More about Money

It keeps coming up again and again. Clients asking about money. Or complaining about money, or more accurately, the lack thereof.

As we discussed in part at the 2012 panel I served last weekend in Denver, everything is changing in our world, and that includes money and how we get it and use it. As just one pointed example, the 2008 stock market crash–that was just the beginning of a highly mercurial time in the market. I said BACK THEN that it was one of the old systems that were starting to break down–not to end prosperity, but to give way to new methods that will give most or all of the world greater prosperity. The stock market will still be around for those who want to work/play that way, but it will come to the point that it is no longer the main basis of the world economy.  (I also discussed how talking about recession will bring recession on, here.)

And as always, the less you resist coming changes, the easier it will be for you.

I’ve been working on editing the readings I’ve done on Phacebook Phenom the last six months, and I ran across this:

“Relief from financial straits will come sooner and easier if you work on YOU, spiritually, inside-out, working on learning what it’s really all about and how you create successfully.”

Of course, you and I do that all that time, right?  But maybe this will help.  Recently, I noticed what I had managed to do and realized that I was actually doing it!  I was actually meeting some of my short-term goals, and this was proof enough to convince myself that I WAS IN full-on receive mode.  Not long after, I got the message that it needs to be give-and-receive mode, because the two are equal parts of a whole.  And that had been coming to me before that as “reward”, like “You will be rewarded.”  And that’s what I am focusing on philosophically at the moment.

Also, I want to respond to what a client said about “the Universe was about to take care of us.”  Remember that what comes to you comes from you.  The Universe doesn’t care what you want or how you put it out there; it can only say “yes”.  So if you’re putting out there that you are not being taken care of, that’s what comes back to you.  Casting your bread upon the waters, as it were.  Start putting it out there (and lying to me, yourself and others, if you must) that you are fully provided for.

The thing about lying is that it’s very uncomfortable for me, and I’m bad at it.  I’m sure like you, I was raised to be truthful.  But according to Abraham, you should tell your story the way you want it to be, and screw the “facts”.  And that’s what I just said above, pretty much.

I know it’s hard not to be fearful in a difficult situation.  I have definitely born my share of fear!  And I still do!  And I’m the brilliant one!    But it is the most counter-productive thing you can do, to indulge fear.  (To consider creating with fear, see this blog post.)

You know what I always say, “The only devil is fear, and the only sin is neglecting your own happiness.”

Is it really better to give than to receive?

gift 3I often find myself teaching clients about giving and receiving.

Many people are caught up in guilt and a lack of divine value, and they (we) have been taught that it is better to give than to receive.  This leads to an experience of lack in many, if not all, areas of one’s life.

That’s why I teach that it is equal to give as to receive, and you can’t have one without the other.  This then leads me to instruct my clients to practice giving to and receiving from themselves, accomplishing four things:

  1. Show the Universe that you are ready to receive, so that other receiving opportunities will start showing up in your experience.
  2. Get accustomed to receiving.
  3. Develop your sense of divine value.
  4. Learn that giving and receiving are equal.

How do you give to yourself?

  • Start small–give a compliment to yourself in the mirror and accept it with thanks, grace, and no excuses.
  • Think of a chore as something that you give to yourself because you are worthy.  For example, think, “I’m washing these clothes, because I am special enough to have clean and presentable clothes to wear.”
  • Make a special meal just for yourself, and enjoy it without television or other distractions.  Focus on the food and the gift you have prepared for yourself.
  • Give gifts to yourself, such as new shoes, a massage, a facial, a book, or a concert.  Include another if you like, and thank yourself profusely, honoring the gift and the receipt.

Try this for yourself, and feel free to share it with your friends too.  I am all for everyone becoming good receivers!

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How to Attract Romantic LOVE

February–ah, the month of love! So I guess it’s appropriate for me to talk about loooove, isn’t it? Personally, I have not had a serious relationship in some time, and I am looking forward to finding my next one very soon. I think the Universe owes me, because I haven’t whined at all about not having a boyfriend! Okay, maybe a little bit. ;o)

But the point is that I don’t crave a relationship. And this is what I want to talk about. Just a little–don’t roll your eyes at me! Whether you are in a relationship or marriage right now or not, this is something that you need to know. And I have learned it over three marriages! Well, okay, the last one wasn’t a marriage, but I learned from it just the same.

I find this to be true for probably 80% to 90% of my clients, and it was true for me until a few years ago: Relationship problems–including the absence of a relationship–are always due to a lack of value for yourself. You have to value yourself, you have to get that knowing deep inside you that you are worthy of love, joy, and abundance.

It’s very common in our society to want to be in a relationship. And I believe that human beings are meant to be in loving pairs. But not having a relationship doesn’t make you less-than! And not being happy within one doesn’t either. It just means that you haven’t recognized your Divine Value yet. This will show up in a lot of ways that I don’t have the space to go into here, but suffice it to say that, if you will concentrate on loving yourself, valuing yourself, and believing in your worthiness, you will come out far better in the relationship game.

Blessings for love to you!

We can either do this the hard way or…

The difference between something manifesting the hard way and something manifesting the easy way is the difference between desperation and relaxation.

Read that again.  I’ll wait.

I’ve figured this one out:  Even though you don’t need to worry about “the accursed hows”, if you don’t relax when you’re manifesting, those “hows” can turn out pretty rotten.

You know how all the gurus and LOA teachers, myself included, say not to worry about “how”?  Just put your order for what you want in to the Universe and leave the “how” up to it.  Right?  I even posted a channeled message about this very topic recently.  In that message, the angels/guides said to “let the Universe be your engineer, and you concentrate on being the designer.”

Which all makes perfect sense!

BUT… You know I always have a big but…!

I have noticed that, when I am desperate for something to be born or created or made manifest, I am likely to get it in a very difficult or unpleasant way.

Case in point: my move back to my hometown a couple of years ago.  I had always wanted to move home, since I moved away to Austin in 1983, but always had some really compelling reason why I had to stay in Austin.  Finally, in 2010, I was kicked out of Austin and sent packing by the Universe.  Circumstances arose that forced me to move and move pretty fast.  The move itself  was utterly horrendous, and I don’t want to dwell on those details, but suffice it to say I came pretty close to a complete break-down.  And the pain and suffering continued for months afterward.

Conclusion: I got what I wanted.  I got to move home.  But it was definitely “the hard way.”

Another example: My client was desperate to get out of her unhappy marriage. She prayed to get out of it somehow, some way, and she left the “how” up to the Universe.  Well, one day, a gay woman walked into her life and they fell madly in love.  But my client wasn’t actually gay; she was straight.  There then ensued several years, yes, years, of on-and-off with the gay woman.  They loved each other but both wanted the other to be something she just couldn’t be.  And so that relationship ended, and badly.  My client got what she wanted–out of the marriage.  But it was unquestionably “the hard way.”

What’s the message here?  When you are desperate for something to come through for you, you are likely to
a) wait a long time for it and
b) get it the hard way.

How do you get something “the easy way” instead?  You still leave the “how” up to the Universe, but you have to relax about what you want.

Desperation brings “the hard way”.

Relaxation brings “the easy way”.

More to come on this.  In the meantime, what do you think?  What has your experience been with manifesting the easy way and the hard way?  Please leave your comments below.

Help Yourself, Help Others

shrug 1 (2) t-uI love to find answers to some of life’s biggest questions.  I’m always looking and listening for them, so it’s very satisfying to find them!

This time, it’s about what happens in your life, the experiences and relationships you attract and create as you go through your life.

It’s been said (quite often) that everything happens for a reason, and you may know that I always say,
“Everything happens not for A reason, but for many reasons.”
And my corollary to that is, you may not ever know all the reasons for something, but they are there.

You may also know that I talk about there being messages contained in everything we experience–what happens in a day, what we overhear, thoughts in our heads, songs on the radio, and especially in synchronistic occurrences.  Our lives are about getting these messages and putting them to good use, finding out what makes us happy (and what makes us unhappy) and how to bring more of those happy times to us.

Well, I got a little more insight into that the other day.

I was talking with a client whose husband passed away about 5 years ago.  My own husband has been gone 17 years, and I always knew that there would be some way I would wind up helping someone because of that.  (There are many other reasons and “good” things to come out of my husband’s death, but we’ll save that for another time.)

My client is a relationship coach and she developed a program to help her clients find love after loss.  So she used her experience to help other people, right?  And now, she is divorcing her second husband, which I also did.  Because my experience came first, I am able to help her with hers.

Here’s another example.  How many people have you known who survived cancer and claim that the experience changed their lives forever?  (For better or worse.)  How many of them helped someone else in a similar situation, or became a doctor or other healer because of it, invented something to help cancer patients, volunteered for Hospice, inspired others, and on and on?

The late comic Ron Shock produced a series of videos from his cancer diagnosis to the end of his life, talking about his situation and sharing stories from his life in comedy.  (He was a very funny guy and I recommend looking up his “Cancer Chronicles” on You Tube.)

In one of his stories, Ron talked about his oncologist, whose wife got cancer during Ron’s treatment.  What are the odds?  That someone in a cancer doctor’s own family would get cancer?  Did that doctor lose someone he loved to cancer when he was growing up?  Was his father (or mother) a doctor?  Did he just feel the calling?

Do you see where I’m going with this?  Your life is all about you first.  Become self-aware, and you will be other-aware.  Help yourself and you can help others.  Get the message for yourself, then help someone else in need of getting that same message.

Happy Helping!

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Yvette’s Late and Lovely Cajun Friend – a Spooky Story

5241_MedThis story happened during a Facebook Phenom, so all of it was typed; this is not a transcription of a phone reading.

Client Yvette (who I know speaks French) asked:  “So what do I need to know?”

Susan K. Morrow:  Hello, cherie! There’s a lot of French coming at me! Sounds Cajun, though… Did you have a grandma who has passed who was French and/or Cajun? Because I am getting a definite image of this woman (who I feel is your grandma) with a big wooden spoon, talking and singing in French while she cooks. The kitchen is not well-lit… She calls you something like… “petite” what is it? It’s not “chou” but sounds something like that, like “chat” maybe or “chone” (which is not a word I know, I’m just spelling what I’m hearing). She’s referring to “neck lace” and showing me an actual lace collar, but I don’t know if that is actually “necklace” in English. She’s also saying “bracelet”, so I assume she gave you some jewelry, and/or a lace collar that she made. She just clapped when I typed that and seems pleased. She says that the children take too much of your mind, tu tete. That you should focus more on yourself and “fine living”. When I ask her to say that in French, she says, “vie de France.” She says to tell you, “Tu etes ma chere, tu etes mon amoure.” She’s keeping it simple for me, but I also think she talks to you like you are a child. Yep, the Phenom shifted about three readings back! I hope this is meaningful to you! If you didn’t have a grandma like this, I will be very surprised, because she is a true presence! “Formidable!

Amanda (Yvette’s sister): I agree with the children taking too much of your mind. I can imagine this is our great grandmother, Amanda. She was a seamstress. I don’t remember her cooking but I was very young the last time we saw her. Let me know what Susan says and what you think this means.

Yvette’s response:  I am sure this was my friend Laura that has passed, her birthday was the other day. She was a Cajun woman but so very elegant and taught me so much about life. Cooking was a passion for her, she had a pet name for me also. She always showered me with jewelry and I took care of her till right before she passed away, a little before that she put her favorite bracelet on me and told me to always take care of myself because as women we tend to put others first (tearing up here). She called me .. Ma petit cho fleur— my little cauliflower– it was a personal joke we had.

Susan K. Morrow:  WOW! She was really clear! I am SO DELIGHTED to have had the privilege to bring her through for you.