Intruder Alert! What to Do When a Spirit Intrudes

Shortly after my client had her reading with me, she sent me this email:

“I woke up this morning way before I had to get up and was terrified—somebody was in my bed “spooning” me!

“At first, I thought I had a night mare or that it just felt like it. When I was completely awake, I still felt the person holding me and felt the warm body pressed against me. I was scared to move or breathe.

“I could not figure out why my burglar alarm did not go off. And why would somebody break in to spoon me?

“I was scared what would happen if the person woke up, but I finally decided to move just a little bit. As soon as I got away from that person, the person disappeared.

“I have never had an experience like this before. Did one of my helpers from the other side cross my boundaries? I hope that never happens again.”

And here is my response:

Wow, that IS creepy!

I’m sorry you’ve had this happen. I’ll tell you a couple of things that I hope will help.

Of course, when you thought it was a living person, that was more scary than thinking a “ghost” or spirit was there. And I’m so glad you’re safe and it wasn’t a living person.

Now. The next thing you need to know is that there is nothing in the non-physical that can hurt you in the physical. In other words, a “ghost” or spirit can’t choke you or hit you over the head with something.

So. I suggest you do this: Sit or lie on your bed and address this entity. It was probably someone you knew who has passed away, a boyfriend or husband, or it could have been an earth-bound spirit or “ghost” who thought you were someone he knew. Either way, you address this being thus:

“Hello. This morning when you lay behind me, you really frightened me. I’m sure you didn’t mean me any harm, but I was very afraid. Will you please not frighten me anymore?”

You may want to add something like, “If you need my help, please let me know in some way that I can understand and I will help you if I can. Otherwise, please leave me alone.”

Speak lovingly. I’ve told people for years to speak to it in love and it will transform or go away.

If it ever happens again, say, “There is only love here. God loves you. Please do not visit me again.”

I hope this helps. Please do let me know if anything further happens and I will do my best to help you. I can also refer you to someone to do a clearing of your house, if you need that.



How Do I Do It?

Psychic Fly on the Psychic Wall

At the very end of the reading, I asked the client, is there anything else you need to know?fly

She said, “Just if there is anything else, maybe that I don’t even know to ask.”

I felt around psychically, like I do, and got a clear picture of a button AND the WORD “button”. I told her about that, then added,

“It could be a name.

Yes, is there someone at your work who is called button?”

Yes. Yes, there is. And the person’s LAST NAME is BUTTON.

I am crapping you negative.

What the heck? How bizarre is this ability that I have been blessed with?

One of the questions a lot of people ask me is, “How do you receive information?”

Maybe you’ve heard of the “clairs”:





I am all of those psychic “clairs” and more. But I find it is easier to understand when I just say it like I feel it.

I see pictures in my mind’s eye. If I told you to close your eyes and picture… oh, the first school you went to, you would conjure up that image, right? (I know that not everyone is good at visualization, but I do think you’ll understand what I mean.)

That’s how it is when I am working, except I am not coming up with the pictures–they are being put there. By whom? Well, first, the people who have passed away and are now in heaven, my clients’ RIPs.

Besides their pictures, the other ones come from… I honestly don’t know. I like to think they are from the clients’ angels/guides and mine, but maybe they are straight out of the clients’ memories or from the energy of the objects and people they have known. Or somewhere/someone else.

I also “hear” in my “mind’s ear”, in the same way you might get a song stuck in your head. And I get feelings, and “movies” play in my head, and many times, I just have thoughts that turn out to be pertinent.

Many years of practice have allowed me to interpret these images, words, thoughts, movies, and feelings. It’s been a long time since I have had to ask those Powers That Be (angels/guides, energy, etc.) to help me understand what they are showing me.


I can’t do any of it without a living person to pull it through. The clients always help me figure out what these messages mean to THEM.

Yes, I can and do often talk to my own Powers That Be, and that is when I pull energy and information through myself–or I will focus on someone else. (And yes, there are also times when I have a dream or other vision that comes to me unbidden.)

But this kind of work is very collaborative, and that makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? We are all working together to learn what we came here to learn and to get the messages we need, as well as to help everyone around us get their own messages.

An elaborate and intricate tapestry, that’s what it is. Namaste.

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Denise’s Books: More Spooky Stuff from the FRF

In a recent Free Readings on Facebook, this happened:

Denise: Hi Susan! Does my Mom have anything to say?

Free Psychic Readings by Susan: Hi, Denise–May I have her first name, please?

Denise: Well, she never liked her first name. She went by her middle name, Joyce. Is that good enough?

Free Psychic Readings by Susan:  Yes, great! Thank you! Ah, the name thing, important in life because of the connection, but no longer meaningful. Still, Joyce is a lovely name! And she does not regret anything. (No one on the Other Side does.) She is saying to soothe your soul by soothing your soles. Pedicure? Foot massage? She’s also talking about the book you are reading–or the one that is by your bed but you are NOT reading. She is indicating that it’s really good for you to read it. Remember that any directives from RIPs are always YOUR choice whether or not to do it and YOUR benefit if you do. RIPs never haunt you or get mad at you just because you didn’t want to follow their suggestion. So the book, looks like it has a sunset on the cover? Brown/grey/pink. Paperback. Read it. Love & Kisses, Susan K

Denise: I am so glad she has no regrets. That is wonderful news! I would love to get a pedicure, will happily take her advice on that! Interesting, the book, I’m going to post a pic – I go EVERYWHERE with this one book, The Magic of Thinking Big, and it is a paperback. Even if I only read a couple of pages a day, I am reading it, albeit slowly. But then you said sunset on the cover, Brown/grey/pink – it isn’t a paperback, but I have been carrying that with me…The Power of Believing: How You Can Create the Life You Want, with intention to read it, but I haven’t been – that will change tonight! I know you are busy tonight. Please, if you can, tell her I love her (she probably knows that) and thank her for me! And thanks to you, Susan!

Denise's books

Free Psychic Readings by Susan: WOW! That’s the one I saw! I suppose the paperback thing means to keep reading the other one too. Fantastic! Thanks, Denise!

Denise: Powerful stuff, Susan, you are amazing! Thank you!

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A Myth Is as Good as a Mile

zeusWarning: If you are religious, especially very Christian, you may find this offensive, blasphemic, and/or inflammatory. Proceed at your own peril.

Have you ever heard the expression “A myth is just a religion that no one believes in anymore”?

I’ve given it some thought. You know I am always seeking answers for you and for myself, right? And you know I’m not religious?  But I do believe and feel that there is something that creates and feeds us, Source, God, the Force, whatever you want to call it. I just don’t believe in the God of the Old Testament (and some of the New, although I dig Jesus for the most part), who is all judgy and wrathful.

Thus, here’s a little game I just came up with. (I’m sure I’m not the first to come up with it, but I don’t recall having seen it elsewhere.)

Take verses from the Bible and replace “God” (or “the Lord”) with “Zeus”. If you have forgotten your ancient Greek mythology, Zeus was the BIG god, the main guy, the head honcho and Gran Queso. (That’s “Big Cheese” for the uninitiated, or “uninicianado”.) At least, he was after he overthrew his father, Cronus. But I digress. Let’s play!

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of Zeus’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of Zeus…” ~ Isaiah 2:2

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Zeus, and the Word was Zeus.” ~ John 1:1 (This is actually one of my favorite verses, and I like to replace “Word” with “Thought”, because thought is energy and isn’t that where it all begins? But that’s another blog post.)

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of Zeus.” ~ Ephesians 2:8

“Zeus is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.” ~  Psalm 145:8 (Not judgy and wrathful, yes, I know, but it still works.)

Do you think the ancient Greeks were any less serious about their religion than many people of today? I know that I tend to think of mythology as silly and I can hardly imagine someone actually believing that it was true. But people did.

What do you think? Can you give me some verses that will give us a giggle, at least? Can you expand on this idea? Leave your thoughts and scriptures in the comments below.

Why You Shouldn’t Care About Life Lessons

study babyI received an email from a fellow spiritual teacher in which she talked about “lessons”.  You’ve probably heard something about lessons all your life–you have to learn your lessons, you came into this life to learn certain lessons and you’ll keep being challenged until you learn the lesson.


Pardon my profanity, but I never like using the word “lessons”.  The word “lesson” contains implicit reference to your ability to pass or fail.  And that’s just not how it works.

The Universe is logical.  There is no pass or fail, no right or wrong way to live your life.  There is only what you like and what you don’t like.

Yes, you learn, but not because anyone is keeping score and not because you might fail and mess up and fall down and never get it right.  You don’t have to get it right.  Your mission is to live in the way that you like.

Yes, there are consequences to actions, thoughts, and feelings.  What you get to learn is which actions, thoughts, and feelings bring the consequences you like, instead of the ones you don’t like.

Yes, it can be a little tricky.  But you have plenty of cosmic help and support.  Instead of “lessons”, think of “messages”.  Messages come at you all the time.  This is the word I prefer to “lessons”.  If you think of “messages” being provided to you through the consequences you are experiencing, you can figure out which messages lead you to the consequences you like.

Pay attention!  Thoughts that pop into your head, conversations you overhear, something that gets your attention on the radio, experiences that happen to you, and eventually your own body… all of these contain messages that are intended to guide you toward what you like.

Pay attention!