This is the transformative power of Destiny Coaching:
To know soul-deep Why you’re here, What you want, and How to get it.
You are only a few sessions away from discovering your Soul’s Goals and becoming the YOU you came into this life to be
Are you
… feeling the Tug of Fate?
… thinking that it must be time for positive change?
… wondering why this life is hard–and why you never got to be the rockstar you expected to be when you were a young-un?
Enter MoJo.
I soooo get that. I have been there, done that, spilled ketchup on the damned t-shirt. And what I found along the way was that, when I hear my Destiny whispering–or hollering–in my ear, I know it is time for me to move on to my next thing, whether I know what that THING is or not!
And guess what: I struggled to have a dream come true, to manifest things I wanted, to find success–
until I got the powerful 5-word message about the Destiny clues my soul left for me:
Use Your Talents in Service
That’s when I started developing my Destiny programs from my divine downloads, study, meditation, and plenty of trial-and-error.
So now, I apply my own methods in my life every day AND I guide other women to make their dreams come true, manifest things they want, and live their own definition of success.
How fun is THAT?
I love working with women over 40, especially new entrepreneurs and “MLM survivors,” to align with their own Souls’ Goals (and become rockstars!), through my seminars, workshops, and intuitive Destiny Coaching.
Psst! If you are not a business owner, no worries, all are welcome!
So come on–let’s have a chitty-chat (aka Destiny Diagnostic) about where you are and where you really want to be, starting with what’s “Yay!” in your life and what’s “Boo!”
“[Coaching with MoJo] was a game-changer! She strikes the perfect balance between realism and logic, which kept me grounded while tackling my goals. But here’s the kicker: she’s also a master of the mystical “woo woo” arts. She even connected with my late father, and the insights were both touching and transformative.“
[Psst! This is a lot of words, and if you’re like me, you want to cut to the chase and find out “how much?” So click here to do just that. But if you really want to get all the nitty-gritty, by all means, read on, dear! I didn’t write all this for my health!]
“[Destiny Coaching] has been phenomenal! I’ve had some major breakthroughs… Wow.
Clouds parting kind of moments. ”
Jackie Roby, Inspired Journey Consulting
And now for the Three Big Secrets About Your Destiny that Nobody Ever Told You
1. You have more than one destiny.
2. You get to choose those destinies–one after another or all at once.
3. You’ll love fulfilling as many “destinies” as you like–because you are supposed to enjoy yourself!
MoJo Pro-Tip: Your Destiny is not some kind of
Quixotic Quest or Cosmic Command.
IOW, you don’t have to be Joan of Arc
(unless you really dig the martyr scene).
[In a hurry to get started? Go straight to the coaching application here.
In a hurry for the $$$ part? Find that here.]
Bottom Line:
Choosing Your Destiny means you Align with the Divine, selecting Your Right-Now Purpose, so that doors start to fly open for you, instead of slamming shut in your face. Ouch!
Additional benefits include:
♥ More Clients/Sales/Business**
♥ New Schtuff (Because Manifestation)
♥ That Blissful “Aligned with the Divine” Feeling
♥ Opportunities & Helpful People Crossing Your Path
♥ Life Joy
**No, I can’t guarantee that your business will thrive if you coach with me, but if your biz isn’t growing in spite of your “doing everything right” in terms of marketing, you owe it to yourself and your business (that I know you love like your cat) to at least have a chat with me.
(Psst! Here’s the $$$ part)
I know what you’re thinking (because I am psychic, you know):
“This sounds amazing! It must cost a fortune!”
And you’re right about one thing–it IS amazing! BUT FORTUNE-ately, you would be mistaken about that “must cost a fortune” thing.
Of course, making major improvements to your biz and life does require an investment on your part.
First, you’ll want to put your heart and soul into the work we do together, so that you get the outcome you desire and deserve: a big shift in your energy toward a meaningful purpose for you and your biz.
And, second, your financial investment is only $1997.
[Payment plans available on request]
So come on,
submit your application today
and let’s get this party started!
Your amazeballs Destiny is waiting for you!
When you have submitted your application, you’ll be given a link to my calendar, so we can start our plans for working together on your Destiny!
If you know you are ready for making real changes, but you have a question or two about coaching with me,
get started with a down-and-dirty
Destiny Diagnostic call
with me today.
“If we all used our talents, there would be perfect balance.”
~~MoJo Medium
“Working with you is a mix of comfort, calm, fun and insight.
“It is like having a conduit into the truth of what my soul wants and what my angels are guiding me toward.
“And it’s just plain fun!”
Mary Tirrell, New Jersey
“I feel more aware of who I am, what gifts and talents I can share with the world or do for myself to have more enjoyment in life.”
Leanne, New York
“MoJo has helped me find focus, uncover my passions (yes, more than one), and become less stressed and less worried!
Melissa Montemayor, Texas
“You changed my life for the better. It is hard to believe how much I have grown into my worthiness and spirituality.”
Sara, Texas
“I am more energetic and more productive. I am worrying a lot less, and I used to be a big worry-wort. I’m also finding my direction, which is big, since I was feeling like I didn’t have any purpose or destiny. I’m so glad I found MoJo!”
J.L.S., Louisiana
“Every moment of contact with you makes me realize how special you are. How dear you are and how deep your gifts go. Thank you for being one of my angels.
Donna, Texas
“I love working with you. I get a ‘genuine’ vibe from you, meaning your spirit feels so genuine. Not to mention your woo-woo capabilities (again, genuine). It just feels like we’ve known each other forever. It’s a rare gift, so thank you!
Pearl M., Australia
“MoJo’s unique blend of practicality and spirituality has been instrumental in my personal development and growth. She’s not just a coach to me now; she’s a forever friend and confidant. Plus she has a fantastic sense of humor, which made our sessions both enlightening and fun. Highly recommend!”
A MoJo Client