by Susan K Morrow | Oct 9, 2017 | Interesting Info, RIPs, Spooky Stuff, Suzi-Q & A, Tales from the Psychic's Diary, The Psychic Has Pspoken!
Shortly after my client had her reading with me, she sent me this email:
“I woke up this morning way before I had to get up and was terrified—somebody was in my bed “spooning” me!
“At first, I thought I had a night mare or that it just felt like it. When I was completely awake, I still felt the person holding me and felt the warm body pressed against me. I was scared to move or breathe.
“I could not figure out why my burglar alarm did not go off. And why would somebody break in to spoon me?
“I was scared what would happen if the person woke up, but I finally decided to move just a little bit. As soon as I got away from that person, the person disappeared.
“I have never had an experience like this before. Did one of my helpers from the other side cross my boundaries? I hope that never happens again.”
And here is my response:
Wow, that IS creepy!
I’m sorry you’ve had this happen. I’ll tell you a couple of things that I hope will help.
Of course, when you thought it was a living person, that was more scary than thinking a “ghost” or spirit was there. And I’m so glad you’re safe and it wasn’t a living person.
Now. The next thing you need to know is that there is nothing in the non-physical that can hurt you in the physical. In other words, a “ghost” or spirit can’t choke you or hit you over the head with something.
So. I suggest you do this: Sit or lie on your bed and address this entity. It was probably someone you knew who has passed away, a boyfriend or husband, or it could have been an earth-bound spirit or “ghost” who thought you were someone he knew. Either way, you address this being thus:
“Hello. This morning when you lay behind me, you really frightened me. I’m sure you didn’t mean me any harm, but I was very afraid. Will you please not frighten me anymore?”
You may want to add something like, “If you need my help, please let me know in some way that I can understand and I will help you if I can. Otherwise, please leave me alone.”
Speak lovingly. I’ve told people for years to speak to it in love and it will transform or go away.
If it ever happens again, say, “There is only love here. God loves you. Please do not visit me again.”
I hope this helps. Please do let me know if anything further happens and I will do my best to help you. I can also refer you to someone to do a clearing of your house, if you need that.
by Susan K Morrow | Jun 8, 2016 | Interesting Info, Spooky Stuff, Suzi-Q & A, Tales from the Psychic's Diary, The Psychic's Personal Stories
Psychic Fly on the Psychic Wall
At the very end of the reading, I asked the client, is there anything else you need to know?
She said, “Just if there is anything else, maybe that I don’t even know to ask.”
I felt around psychically, like I do, and got a clear picture of a button AND the WORD “button”. I told her about that, then added,
“It could be a name.
Yes, is there someone at your work who is called button?”
Yes. Yes, there is. And the person’s LAST NAME is BUTTON.
I am crapping you negative.
What the heck? How bizarre is this ability that I have been blessed with?
One of the questions a lot of people ask me is, “How do you receive information?”
Maybe you’ve heard of the “clairs”:
I am all of those psychic “clairs” and more. But I find it is easier to understand when I just say it like I feel it.
I see pictures in my mind’s eye. If I told you to close your eyes and picture… oh, the first school you went to, you would conjure up that image, right? (I know that not everyone is good at visualization, but I do think you’ll understand what I mean.)
That’s how it is when I am working, except I am not coming up with the pictures–they are being put there. By whom? Well, first, the people who have passed away and are now in heaven, my clients’ RIPs.
Besides their pictures, the other ones come from… I honestly don’t know. I like to think they are from the clients’ angels/guides and mine, but maybe they are straight out of the clients’ memories or from the energy of the objects and people they have known. Or somewhere/someone else.
I also “hear” in my “mind’s ear”, in the same way you might get a song stuck in your head. And I get feelings, and “movies” play in my head, and many times, I just have thoughts that turn out to be pertinent.
Many years of practice have allowed me to interpret these images, words, thoughts, movies, and feelings. It’s been a long time since I have had to ask those Powers That Be (angels/guides, energy, etc.) to help me understand what they are showing me.
I can’t do any of it without a living person to pull it through. The clients always help me figure out what these messages mean to THEM.
Yes, I can and do often talk to my own Powers That Be, and that is when I pull energy and information through myself–or I will focus on someone else. (And yes, there are also times when I have a dream or other vision that comes to me unbidden.)
But this kind of work is very collaborative, and that makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? We are all working together to learn what we came here to learn and to get the messages we need, as well as to help everyone around us get their own messages.
An elaborate and intricate tapestry, that’s what it is. Namaste.
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by Susan K Morrow | Mar 30, 2016 | Spooky Stuff, Tales from the Psychic's Diary, The Psychic's Personal Stories
My step-mother, Jean, passed away in January, 2016, after a long illness. My father was her primary care-giver, so her passing, in addition to bringing great sorrow, was a relief, not only to her, but also to my dad and all the family.
In the days following my step-mom’s death, I attempted to contact her. At first, I was just walking to my car and reached out to say a tentative hello. She answered that she would be happy to talk to me later, but she was really busy at the moment. I told my dad and my step-sister. They exchanged a smile and said simultaneously, “Paperwork!”
Later, I had a quiet moment to ask if I could visit with Jean. She showed up in a garden filled with flowers. She wore the pink dress she wore when she married my dad, almost 30 years prior, and she perched gracefully on a swing whose ropes were entwined with spring blossoms. She smiled at me. “Have you met my little boy?” she asked me, gesturing to the six-year-old blond boy standing beside her.
(My step-brother, Ed, passed away in 1995. I believe that six years old must have been her favorite age for Ed. I also believe that she actually died of a broken heart–it just took twenty years to kill her.)
I asked how she was doing and if she had anything for me to relay to my father. She said everything was wonderful and she was really happy there in her garden. Then, she held out a pink evening primrose, known colloquially as a buttercup, which is a pretty little wildflower that grows, along with bluebonnets and a wide array of other blooms, all over Texas in the spring. She pushed it toward me, and I felt like I was watching her on a screen. The buttercup came toward the camera and filled the frame. Jean said, “Be sure to tell your daddy about this. It’s very important.” (She always referred to my dad as “your daddy” when she talked to me.)
I recounted all of this to my dad, who listened enrapt. At the end, I asked, “Does the buttercup mean something to you?” He shook his head. “No. I can’t think of a thing.”
“Don’t worry,” I told him. “It will mean something.”
In the last long and dreary months of her life, Jean had directed my dad in constructing a garden in their backyard. He knew nothing about gardens and flowers, but she told him what would look good and how to get it done. She loved flowers. I’ve often sat in that garden with my dad, both before and after Jean’s passing, enjoying the fruits of her designs.
Daddy and I both thought that maybe buttercups would grow in that garden in the spring that followed, and that would be the message from Jean that my dad was craving. Spring came early and flowers bloomed, but no buttercups appeared in Jean’s garden at my dad’s house.
Every once in awhile, I would ask, “Have you seen the buttercup yet?” No, no buttercups yet. And I would assure him again, “Don’t worry. You’ll find it.”
One day in March, Daddy drove up into East Texas to do some work. (Yes, he still works at 80 years old! Drives too!) He was enjoying his “new life”, one unburdened by care-giving in which he was free to work and play and make his way, and he was wise enough to appreciate it without guilt. The bluebonnets, Texas’ token flower, distributed across the state thanks to efforts by our First Lady, Lady Bird Johnson, decades ago, were in full glory. The azaleas were past their peak, but the other wildflowers were making their way amongst the grasses and bluebonnets, as well.
Daddy came to a curve in the highway, and there was a tall embankment in front of him as he approached it, filling his windshield, just as Jean’s buttercup had filled my vision. It was blanketed in wildflowers. He saw how beautiful it was and thought, “This has been painted just for me by the Loving Artist. This is my New Life, full of wonder and opportunity and love.”
And then he saw it. Nestled amongst the bluebonnets, unmistakably and insistently blooming, there grew a two-foot circle of pink blossoms–solid buttercups.
by Susan K Morrow | Apr 23, 2015 | Spooky Stuff, Suzi-Q & A, Tales from the Psychic's Diary
In a recent Free Readings on Facebook, this happened:
Denise: Hi Susan! Does my Mom have anything to say?
Free Psychic Readings by Susan: Hi, Denise–May I have her first name, please?
Denise: Well, she never liked her first name. She went by her middle name, Joyce. Is that good enough?
Free Psychic Readings by Susan: Yes, great! Thank you! Ah, the name thing, important in life because of the connection, but no longer meaningful. Still, Joyce is a lovely name! And she does not regret anything. (No one on the Other Side does.) She is saying to soothe your soul by soothing your soles. Pedicure? Foot massage? She’s also talking about the book you are reading–or the one that is by your bed but you are NOT reading. She is indicating that it’s really good for you to read it. Remember that any directives from RIPs are always YOUR choice whether or not to do it and YOUR benefit if you do. RIPs never haunt you or get mad at you just because you didn’t want to follow their suggestion. So the book, looks like it has a sunset on the cover? Brown/grey/pink. Paperback. Read it. Love & Kisses, Susan K
Denise: I am so glad she has no regrets. That is wonderful news! I would love to get a pedicure, will happily take her advice on that! Interesting, the book, I’m going to post a pic – I go EVERYWHERE with this one book, The Magic of Thinking Big, and it is a paperback. Even if I only read a couple of pages a day, I am reading it, albeit slowly. But then you said sunset on the cover, Brown/grey/pink – it isn’t a paperback, but I have been carrying that with me…The Power of Believing: How You Can Create the Life You Want, with intention to read it, but I haven’t been – that will change tonight! I know you are busy tonight. Please, if you can, tell her I love her (she probably knows that) and thank her for me! And thanks to you, Susan!

Free Psychic Readings by Susan: WOW! That’s the one I saw! I suppose the paperback thing means to keep reading the other one too. Fantastic! Thanks, Denise!
Denise: Powerful stuff, Susan, you are amazing! Thank you!
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by Susan K Morrow | Dec 15, 2013 | Interesting Info, Spooky Stuff, Tales from the Psychic's Diary
Just for fun, I thought I’d share something about working with spirits, or people on the Other Side. As a psychic medium, I have worked with my share of such energies. It’s fascinating work for me and is always very satisfying for the client.
When I am doing a psychic medium reading, we’ll hear from one or more of the client’s late loved ones about 50-60% of the time. The rest of the time, there are several reasons for not hearing from someone:
1) The client is too young to have lost anyone close to them or has simply not had that experience at any age.
2) The client is not interested in hearing from those on the other side. The spirits will accommodate that sometimes–but not always! Sometimes, they come on through anyway, and I convey their messages.
3) The client is already in touch with his or her late loved ones, being naturally in-tune with that, or having had such a close relationship that it continues beyond death.
4) Rarely, I’m not the right medium for that or those spirits. Sure, it can happen!
When I did group readings specifically to communicate with those on the Other Side, as John Edward does on television, there were always plenty of spirits to choose from. Some were more insistent than others, while some waited patiently and hoped to have a turn.
I can’t speak for John, but usually when I am through working, either by the clock or my own fatigue, the spirits will leave me alone until I give them another opportunity.
Oh, and sometimes I have a spirit come through who is really for the next person’s reading!
by Susan K Morrow | Dec 15, 2013 | Interesting Info, Spooky Stuff, Suzi-Q & A
“How did you know you were psychic?” I get asked that a lot, and I always think it’s kind of funny, because isn’t it a self-answering question? But the truth is that I actually did not know I was psychic for a long time. I did, but I didn’t. Let me explain.
I don’t see dead people all the time. But, if I pay attention, I can feel spirits around me most of the time. You see, I spent most of my life ignoring my gifts. When I was a child, and I told my mom that I felt like I was being watched, that I had a feeling that other, unseen people were in my room, she praised my “wonderful imagination.”
I’m glad she treated it that way, instead of condemning it, but it never occurred to me that I was gifted in any way. I grew up believing that all creative people felt “unseens” around them, and frequently had pictures of unfamiliar faces pop into their heads. It wasn’t until I was in my early 40’s that I figured out what that was!
I also had spontaneous out-of-body experiences starting when I was in my early teens. It wasn’t until I read that famous medium John Edward had the same experience that I understood it foretold my gifts as a psychic.
I’ve had some very bold premonitions, like those of my husband’s death and September 11, but, except when I am doing readings, most of my days are probably a lot like most of yours. Maybe I’m more accustomed to receiving “messages from the Cosmos,” but it doesn’t mean you aren’t getting them aimed at your head too!
If I pay attention, I can tune into almost anything I want. I’ve learned to “home in” or “tune the radio” and pick up the signals. I can look at a stranger–or think about one–and I’ll “see” his/her energy, any health problems in the body, past and future events, and/or spirits of his/her late loved ones.
This is how I work over the phone–I just tune into the person I am reading for. If you ever see me working live, you’ll notice me looking at the floor or a blank wall. This is so I can better “see” what’s in my mind’s eye without the distractions of faces and pictures.
I do almost always feel energies around me. Especially over my right shoulder. This is a guide or a group of energies that follow and steer me. And it’s quite comfortable for me to have that feeling.
Did I answer the self-answering question? What else do you want to know about walking around every day in the Psychic’s Pshoes?