
I worked in a t-shirt shop when I was in high school.  It was called the Top Shop, and we used big square irons to stick on transfers and letters to all kinds of things. I got the job when I was 15, because the owner, Mr. Smith, was a life-long friend of my parents.  One day, he called up my mom and asked if I would like to come to the store and hang up shirts for a few hours.  For money!  Of course, I said yes, and then, because I did an okay job, and I was a good student, Mr. Smith hired me as a regular employee.  I worked there for two and a half years.  And I had an impressive t-shirt wardrobe to show for it!

Mr. Smith was a pretty funny guy.  One of his favorite sayings was, “Don’t expect anything, and then you won’t be disappointed.”

While this sounds very cynical, especially to me, the original Pollyanna (yes, before the original original, there was I), but there’s some truth to it.

You know that Law of Attraction teaches that you must expect what you want, that you have to believe as if you have received, and that “believing is seeing”, not the other way around.  Refer to any modern spiritual teachers or philosophers, such as Deepak Chopra, Abraham-Hicks, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and others.

But it’s also important to accept what is, here and now.  Check out Byron Katie’s book, Loving What Is.  I’m not saying you shouldn’t be optimistic.  Like I said, I’m a cock-eyed optimist, and for me, hope springs eternal.  But there is something to be said for looking at your current situation and saying, “Yes, it is.”  And then go on to imagine and feel and attract what you love, or, if you like where you are, to attract even more of that.

Several years ago, my friend Mollie was finishing her degree in psychology, and she told me there had a been a study done on people who lived to be 80 years old or older.  The most important thing these people had in common was an ability to accept loss and move past it.

Acceptance, in other words, increases your life expectancy.

And when it comes to relationships, romantic or otherwise, acceptance is usually more important than understanding.  (For a video in which I expound on this idea, click here.)  I try to live by this, accepting others as they are, and I appreciate being accepted and/or included, as well.

I realized not long ago that “inclusion” or “acceptance” is kind of “my thing”–“my Pollyanna thing”–and I started doing it consciously, catching myself if I judged someone or wanted him or her to behave differently.

Think about acceptance–and remember to accept yourself as you are, too!  Love yourself and others as they are, and your life will be far better!


Shortbread Cookies Are Good for the Soul

From a recent Facebook Phenom comes this exchange with a client, which I have transcribed here verbatim.  Pretty cool, huh?

Hi Susan, I would like to know if you have a message from my brother Rafael or from my guides and/or spirit. Thank you.

And my answer to her was:

Hi, L***! It’s funny that when I read, “Rafael”, I thought of the archangel, even though you said he was your brother. And this leads me then to see that he is one of your guides. This is not very common, for someone who has passed away from human form to become one of your guides, but I would include him in your group of angels/guides.

Okay, the message is– shortbread cookies!  I have no idea what that means, so I hope you do!  If I had to make it more definite, I would say you need to get creative in the kitchen, do some baking, and enjoy the process.  It will open your creative chakra (navel/sacral) and help you to bring opportunities to you.  Good luck!

Now, hold onto your hat, because here is L***’s response:

Dear Susan, he is funny, my little brother is just the happiest man.  Yes, I am already baking shortbread cookies and I always laugh because I bake them and give them away only.  It is my rule #1.  His tragic passing was on Nov 2, 2012.  Thank you so much.



I had an email from my expectant-mother friend on a Tuesday, simply asking me to “take a look” at her and the baby.  She said she was 31 weeks along. I was happy to do this, and on Thursday, I sent this email reply:

“Well… She’s very wiggly. She’s head-down at the moment, but of course, that can change. Looks to me like the birth will be relatively easy—yay for you! I also am getting ’38 weeks’, which is perfect, fully-baked but not too humongous. She is smarter than either of you, which is saying something, and will amaze you all her life with her wisdom and intellect. She has a lot of purple and pink around her now, spirituality and divine love, respectively. Not really surprising, I guess, for a fetus! I really can’t see a single problem. More purple. Put some purple in her room. It will be her favorite.”

After I hit “send”, I re-read the mama’s email.  She implied that there might be a problem, that something had happened.  I tried to remember what tests are done at 30-31 weeks, so I could anticipate what might have happened.  I “looked” again at the baby, and still couldn’t see anything wrong.

So I called my friend.  She said, “I JUST read your email!  And you are so spot-on with everything!”

She went on to explain that, as a first-time mom-to-be, she didn’t realize she had been having contractions for a while.  At her 30-week visit, her doctor noticed that she was not gaining enough weight and that her cervix was becoming effaced (thinning out prior to delivery)–way too early.  In addition, the baby’s head was “engaged”, or in position for birth.  Mama was put on bed-rest.


  • Yes, the baby is super-wiggly and has been all along.
  • Yes, the head is down right now, although the baby has come back up from being engaged in the pelvis–very good news.
  • Yes, the parents are hoping to make it to 36 weeks, so my prediction of 38 weeks is a good possibility and very reassuring–and remains to be seen!
  • Yes, the baby’s room is already purple (and green)…

Mama was delighted and so was I.

This Psychic Disagrees with That Psychic

Hokay. So.

I do not want to get into a public fight with another psychic. I just want to tell this story. From what I can tell, this woman is indeed gifted, and she is far more successful than I. She recently presented a blog post that proffered two beliefs that I want to object to:

1) Astrology is BS (in part because the future cannot be accurately foretold, but that is #2) – She admits that she has not studied astrology at all, but finds it impossible to believe that there are only 12 kinds of people in the world and they are all having the same kind of day as the others of their sign. Well, I’ve studied it just a little (I am no expert), and I understand far better than that. I don’t care much for “sun sign astrology”, which is the kind you read in the paper or magazines (or of course, online), because it assumes that you were born with your sun in your first house. But, if you discover what sign your first house really is in, and read the accompanying forecasts, they are pretty accurate.

2) The future cannot be accurately foretold – Now *I* call BS. I haven’t figured the whole thing out yet, but there has to be some destiny mixed in, because I accurately foretell the future ALL THE DANG TIME. Usually for people I don’t even know! I’ve stopped giving “advice” because nobody takes it, so I just tell it like it is: “Yeah, this guy is terrible for you and you should leave him, but you won’t. This will go on for two more years until you meet someone, I believe a woman, with the first name Joyce or Jocelyn, who will help you to see you are worth so much more than this toxic douchebag you are with now. Enjoy the next two years. That will be $50 please.”

Why Should You Get Psychic Readings?

Test-3_sm_aWhy do people get psychic readings?  There are plenty of reasons, and entertainment is NOT #1 among them.

I’ve worked at a number of psychic fairs, and many of the attendees got readings with me and other readers as a one-time deal.  Some of them only wanted to spend a little money once in a while to see what the psychic would say.  And there’s nothing wrong with that.  Sometimes a short reading can make a big difference for you, and at the very least, it is entertaining.

But let me tell you about some of the wonderful results my clients have had.  Sure, it’s interesting when I can tell you that there’s a scar on your knee and why you have it, even though you’re wearing long pants and there’s no way I could have known that.  (Except for being psychic, of course.)  But more important to you is the reason why you have that scar.  Not because you fell down or had surgery or whatever, but because of your energy and why you attracted such an injury.  I tell you exactly what that means to you, so that you can prevent such injuries in the future, by understanding your energy and the ways that Spirit communicates with you.

It’s the old “give a man a fish” proverb:  “Give a man a fish and he eats for a day.  Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime.”  By getting one quick reading, you will get some insight, some new ideas, direction for where you are right now.  But if you get regular readings, you’ll be guided through your life regularly.  You’ll know what to expect and how to handle it.  You’ll learn to attract and create more of what you want. 

Another reason for getting regular readings is communicating with your late loved ones.  If you are not in tune with your grandmother, for example, it’s possible that a good medium can bring information and guidance from her, too, in addition to the guidance that comes through the psychic from Spirit and your angels and guides.

I gave a reading to a new client not long ago.  Her grandmother came through briefly, and I knew that the client was concerned about her.  After assuring the client that Granny was just fine on the Other Side, I got a message from the grandmother:  She was sorry for yelling.  I started to interpret this, because a) on the Other Side, spirits generally have no reason to feel “sorry” and b) I rather doubted, in my very human way, that the grandmother had yelled at her granddaughter.  As it turned out, Granny had suffered from Alzheimer’s and had indeed yelled at those she loved most toward the end of her life.  This was the most meaningful information the client (and later, her mother) could have received.  The client has since become a “regular” at my mystic’s table.

The healing and comfort that come from messages such as this one–“I’m sorry I yelled”–are among the most important services I provide. I was able to tell a woman that what appeared to be terrible physical pain for her uncle had not hurt him as it had appeared. He told her, through me, that the pain medication was effective and, in spite of his appearing to suffer, he was actually resting comfortably. Another woman learned through me that her father, who died unexpectedly and alone, was not afraid when the stroke occurred, only surprised. His wife was suffering in her worry that he had been afraid and she wasn’t there to comfort him, so knowing that he was not afraid was the most healing message she could have received.

Another really effective way of receiving guidance is to participate in group readings.  Not every psychic offers these (I do), so you’ll have to find the right one.  In groups, the “Group Effect” takes over and ensures that you will get the messages you are meant to get, whether you get a reading or not.  It’s important for you to listen to all the readings that are given, because the Universe is very clever this way–you’ll get what you’re meant to get.

I once had the privilege to hear famous TV medium John Edward do his thing live.  There were about 350 people in the room, and my daughter and I did not receive a direct reading.  But there was one reading in particular that we could have sworn was for us.  And there was so much helpful information in all of the readings–I couldn’t help but feel inspired and enlightened.

So what kind of information do my clients get in readings?  All kinds of things, whatever is most important to them at that moment.  And that’s another reason why they get readings with regularity:  things change.  Your energy shifts and changes with your thoughts and feelings.  Events happen and change and shift.  To give you some examples, here’s what I have covered with clients in recent readings:  Career/job changes and improvements, relationships, “point of transfer” (this is when you are making a shift or transition), life path and purpose, predictions of good things to come.  There’s always something new to discover!

How often is right for you?  It varies by person, of course, but most of my clients like to talk to me 3-4 times per year. (My VIP clients get a reading every month.) They all say this keeps them on track, gives them clarity, and helps them make good decisions, as well as keeping them in touch with those on the Other Side.

What about you?  What’s in your energy today?