Why doesn’t Grandma come through in a reading?

I recently gave a reading to a new client and afterward, she sent me an email:

Hi Susan,
I have a question for you.  When you do your readings, you often call on people who have passed on.  During my reading no one who has passed on in my family gave any messages.  Should I take this personally?  Is there a reason why they wouldn’t be interested in talking with me?
Thanks and thank you again for the reading.–A.

Hi, A.–

Great question, and I’m glad you asked.  I didn’t go into the reasons that we don’t hear from those on the Other Side, but there are several.  Oftentimes, the client (you) is already in touch with those she was closest to, and she doesn’t need me to intervene.  Sometimes, the client is too young to have lost anyone, or the client simply isn’t very interested (this one doesn’t always make any difference).  And then sometimes, the spirits just aren’t in the mood.  Or you’re not supposed to get that particular experience through this particular medium.

It’s definitely not something to take personally.  Next time, I can try to call up your loved ones on the Cosmic Phone, if you like.

Oh, and I also feel that what you got yesterday was what was important for you at this time.

I hope that answers your question.  Thank you again for getting a reading.  I look forward to next time!

Is There a Psychic Reading in Your Future?

Test-3_sm_aSome of my clients get their first psychic reading ever with me. Others have been to a psychic or two and still others have been to many. What happens in a psychic reading?

I don’t know what happens in that little house down on the freeway, the one with the red neon hand on the sign with a hand-painted note urging, “$25 special!”, but I know why my readings are like.

First, I’ll tell you what does not happen in a session with me.  I will not tell you there is a curse on you.  I will not give you bad news.  I will not tell you that unless you do such-and-such, you will die or never meet your soulmate or any negative and untrue crap like that.

And I absolutely will not tell you that your late grandmother is mad at you because you gave her secret recipe to your cousin or that your dead grandpa wants you to go to medical school.  Spirits of our late loved ones are not angry, and they seldom ask anything of us, unless it is to our benefit and it is utterly our choice.

You might think those sound silly, but some people are afraid of what they might get from a psychic.  It’s probably because of charlatans, but that is a diatribe that can wait.

So what does happen if you get a reading from me, besides it taking place on the phone, and besides not getting upset about Grandpa?

Broadly stated, you will get exactly what you are supposed to get, information that will benefit you at that moment, and suggestions for helping you create a better life.

More specifically, I will answer your questions about anything that is on your mind.  Want to know what to do about your job?  We’ll cover that.  Want to know what your husband is really thinking?  I will tell you that.  Usually, looking into your closest relationships and telling you about them is among my best gifts.

I’ll also tell you if loved ones come through from the Other Side.  Sometimes, it’s just a hello; other times, there is detailed information.  In one reading, the only person who came through was a classmate of the client’s, who had passed away over 30 years ago.  Just a classmate.  But he was someone she remembered well.  (You’ll find fascinating stories about my communication with spirits in my book, Dead On: Spirited Stories from a Medium’s Diary.)

Then I like to scan your energy.  Other practitioners might call this “reading your aura”.  When I close my eyes and ask our guides, I see you, as a person, and there are colors and shapes in and around you.  I explain these and draw them for you, and ask our guides what these mean.  Then I can interpret information for you that you don’t even know to ask about.  Things like, you’re trying to impress someone, and here’s how to do that better.  Or you are using one ability or talent to try to boost another.  And here’s what to do about that.

And finally, I throw a few oracle cards for you.  These are simple cards with a few words on them.  I use these to confirm what we’ve discussed and to be sure we didn’t miss anything.

With each card, I tell you the words on it and I might give you a “face-value” description.  Then I tap the card and tell you if I get anything that is specific to you.

We wrap up, and I send you my hand-written, customized notes for your reference.

And that’s what happens in a reading with me.  Get your very own private phone reading here.  Any questions?  You know where to find me!

Everything Old Is New Again: Looking Back Brings Insight and Inspiration

I hope your holidays were great!  Mine were!  And as I rang in the New Year, I started thinking about what I do, what I like to do, and what inspires me.  And what I came up with might just inspire you.

This might be sort of like what you do with each New Year, or maybe every month or something like that.  If not, I suggest you take a moment every now and again to review where you’ve been and think about where you’d like to go.  At the very least!

2010 was hellacious for me–as it probably was for you.  Most people I know, including clients, friends, and family, had a tough year.  And you may have read my posts about looking for the end of it to come soon.

So as 2010 wound down, I was certainly looking forward to something new, better, different, a time in my life when I can experience all the joyful things I think of.  And I thought about times in the past when I have been successful and comfortable–and experiencing all those joyful things!  I remembered my first business…

I woke up on a Monday morning in May, 1999, and had a very clear inspiration:  I would begin a business based on my former job.  To create this business, I sat down with my old job description and my “Directory of Facilities and Services” (I had been a facilities manger for a large corporation), and I wrote down a list of all the tasks therein that I enjoyed doing.  Anything I didn’t like to do was definitely not included.

This is how I developed my menu of services for my business.

Next, I made a list of everyone I could think of who worked or owned a business in Austin.  I started calling every person on that list, about 250, and telling them what I was doing.  I wasn’t making sales calls, just saying hello and what I was up to.  I asked them to keep me in mind if they knew of anyone who needed a service that was on my list.

Well, lo and behold, it wasn’t long before I talked to someone who knew someone.  Within days, I had my first contract!

As much as I loved that business, I have come a long way since 1999!  And my current business is very different from that one.  But I took a page from my old 1999 book, and I sat down this year and looked at my services.  I enjoy doing all of them, so I asked myself, what do I love to do the most?

I’ve known the answer for a long time:  sit around and chat.  I love to talk with people.  And I especially love to teach.  So what really inspires me is…you!  If I don’t have anyone to sit around and chat with, how can I serve in the way I was meant to serve?

Thus, I’d have to say that my favorite service is Suzi-Q&A (psychic readings), which I do in private readings by phone or Skype and  in person for groups.  I answer questions and/or give mini-readings and, along the way, I give insight into everyone’s life.

With all of this introspection, I came to this conclusion:  In 2011, I am concentrating on Suzi-Q&As and individual readings and coaching.  Oh, I will definitely continue to offer all my services, but I will focus mainly on answering questions–your questions.

Since I feel called to teach and share with others all that I know about the workings of the Universe, this seems to make the most sense.

So keep an eye on me, my emails (sign up here), and this blog.  You’ll definitely want to see what happens next!

Antithesis of the Atheist

The other day, a friend jokingly called me an atheist.  I have to say, I took umbrage.

As tolerant as I am, and as much as I believe that everyone is entitled to whatever religious, philosophical, and spiritual ideas he may have, I have never understood atheism.  It doesn’t make sense to me.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.  First, I want to define atheism.  “A” means “without” and “the-” means “god”.  Thus, “atheism” means literally “without god”.  (I used the lower-case, because atheism does not refer only to “the” god, but any god.)

It follows that “polytheism” means a belief in many gods, such as the ancient Greeks and the modern-day Hindu religion.  “Monotheism” pertains to a belief in one god.

And on a related topic, “agnostic” means “without knowledge”.  You may have heard of the Gnostic gospels, several versions of the Christ story that were written by the Gnostics, those who were “with knowledge” or “knowledgeable”.

But I digress.  Regardless of these definitions, I am certainly not “without god”.  I am among the most spiritual people I know!  I don’t usually define myself, but please don’t call me an atheist!

Years ago, I had some oddball neighbors who were loudly-proclaimed atheists.  They went as far as to create their own religion around atheism, by producing a weekly online radio show about it.  I wondered what they talked about!  Maybe that was more like anti-theism!

At any rate, I always wanted to say to them:  If you love someone, you cannot possibly be an atheist, because love is God and God is love. 

Now I have a whole lot more that I could say about GOD, but as long as you know I am the antithesis of an atheist… my work is done for now!

Until next time, y’all be good! Susan K. Morrow  (4-19-10)

What’s the Difference between a Medium and a Channel?

A few clients have asked me what the difference is between a medium and a channel. Throw in a question or two about psychics in general and it was time for me to clarify:

I am a medium. Maybe you’ve heard that before, or maybe you have experienced my work as a medium. But many people don’t know what a medium does. And then there’s this other word, “channel”, that many people have heard but don’t understand.

Fair enough. I can understand the confusion, because psychics, mediums (I prefer the proper plural, “media”), and channels are all woo-woo practitioners who deal in the unseen and the metaphysical.  And I have even heard people who are these things misuse the terms. So here are my definitions that fit to the very best of my knowledge:

Medium: A living person who communicates in some fashion with the spirits of dead people. A medium may conduct seances or may communicate directly. John Edward is a famous medium whose primary work is communicating with the dead. I am also a medium, although I am not yet as famous as John Edward.

Channel: A person who allows a non-physical entity/ies to enter his/her body for the purpose of communicating with living people. The channel may or may not be conscious of the information coming through him/her. Esther Hicks is a famous channel who channels non-physical energies who call themselves Abraham. I do not channel in this way; however, I do “take cosmic dictation” and channel information from your guides in Mystic Mails. But I don’t give my body over. My latest book, Channel One: 137 Messages from the Universe, is comprised entirely of channeled messages.

And what about the psychic? Well, a medium is always a psychic, but a psychic is not necessarily a medium. A psychic is someone who can sense information about others and often predict the future. Sylvia Browne is a famous psychic who also happens to be a medium. I am also a psychic. I personally do not see that a channel necessarily qualifies as a psychic, but channeling definitely requires a special spiritual gift, and it seems likely that a channel might also be psychic in some way.

There, I hope that makes it all clear as mud. If you have any questions about it, you know where to find me!–Susan K