Here’s something you may not know about the way I talk to dead people:
Have you ever watched a medium like John Edward, working in a group? He’ll say, “I’m getting someone in this area of the group [gesturing to a swath of the audience] who has a husband or brother who passed of a sudden impact, like a car wreck.” Even working one-to-one, most mediums will see who shows up and then you help to identify them.
I used to do that too, because I learned from watching John Edward, but I stopped doing that and started doing this instead:
I simply ask which of your late loved ones you are missing the most and for their name and relationship to you. Unlike many mediums, I don’t have any trouble calling someone up on the cosmic phone, “Hi, this is MoJo, Mary is here and would like to talk to Jim. Is he around?”
And here’s why I do it this way and it’s an important 3-part why:
For one thing, John Edward and others could possibly (I don’t think John does) use this method just to choose a person to read for. Like, maybe they don’t actually have anyone from the Other Side waiting in the wings, but they are just narrowing it down–someone in a hall of hundreds of people will have lost their husband or brother that way, right? It just seems a little disingenuous to me.
Before you start thinking I am a Doubting Debbie Downer, I could be wrong. It is definitely a possibility that John and others are simply going with the loudest spirit who’s hanging around, waiting to talk to their living loved ones. After all, when I used that method, that’s what I was doing, so who am I to judge?
Secondly, when I did it the “John Edward way,” sometimes a client would be disappointed not to hear from someone they were hoping for. One lady at a house party even got mad at me because she didn’t hear from who she wanted to and “didn’t like the ones who” she did hear from! (I thought that was hilarious, because she blithely ignored the fact that I was able to talk to dead people, which is kind of a rare gift, to say the least!)
And finally, it saves everyone a lot of time not having to wait to figure out who this person is on the Other Side. “Red hair? Who had red hair? Just that one little girl down the block when I was 5 years old. Is it that little girl?”
So that’s my MoJo Method and I’m stickin’ to it. If you come to a reading with me, expecting to wait to see who “shows up,” you‘ll be pleasantly surprised to hear from exactly who you wanted to hear from.
Twenty-five years! I can’t believe it myself, but there it is: I started my first business, Corporate Habitat, June 1, 1999. What I have learned in all this time would fill a book, maybe a series of books, but here are a few nuggets that have served me well.
MoJo Pro-Tip #1: “You don’t need any of that, all you need is–.”
When I started my first business, I was of course very excited and I called my dad, who was self-employed most of his life. I told him, “I’m going to need a new computer, an email address, a designated phone line, plus one for faxes and internet (it was 1999), and business cards, probably letterhead—”
Daddy stopped me. “Wait, wait. You don’t need any of that. What you need is a client. Until you have a client, you don’t have a business.”
Daddy conceded that I probably needed business cards (again, it was 1999), but I could go down to Kwik Kopy (remember?) and get those pretty cheap.
I’ve never forgotten that little nugget. You can put all the window dressing on your business that you want, but until you have a client, ya ain’t got nothin’!
MoJo Pro-Tip #2: WFH Basics
Starting my first business out of my home in 1999, I was fresh out of corporate, and my clients were corporations, so I set some ground rules for myself based on my corporate experience. Even though many things about business, and my business in particular, have changed, I still stick to these for the most part.
Set a schedule and stick to it. (Overtime notwithstanding.) Back in the day, I had school-aged children, so I got up about the same time I did when I had a job-job, got them off to school, and then went to my office. I usually knocked off about the time they came home from school, then headed back for a couple of hours after they went to bed at 8:00.
Dress like you would if you were meeting people in person. Working in your pj’s is fun and comfy, but in the same way that a smile can be heard over the phone (I learned that in all that sales training I went through!), the way you feel about your appearance, as well as your competence, worthiness, and more, will come through in your voice, in your emails, and in your marketing copy.
Don’t watch TV (movies, video games) during the work day.
Designated a separate space, no matter how small, for your office. Don’t try to work at your kids’ homework table, the breakfast table, or where you pay the bills. You need a corner or a closet or some space to call your own, preferably with a door. (I have not had a door for almost my entire career as an entrepreneur, but I am about to get one and I could not be more thrilled.)
And speaking of being alone while you work, get out of the house at least once a day. When I first started, part of my service was to visit job sites for my clients, so I had to get out. Later, when most of my clients met with me over the phone, I still made sure to get out and about, because stir-crazy is a thing.
Find a way to socialize at least a little. During some of my slower times, the free networking group I attended (and led for two of the seven years I was there) every week was like church without the religion. The group became like family, and during both prosperous times and leaner times, that group was where I got the majority of my business.
Give yourself comp time. In my first business, among other tasks, I managed large corporate moves. For the days of the move, we started Friday evening, worked all weekend, and then met the client’s employees at the new offices early Monday morning. It didn’t take me long to figure out that working a full week after that did not work! And I was still young! So if you have to work a late night or a weekend, if you run seminars or retreats, if you sell your wares at fairs, be sure you get some time off to recuperate.
Don’t forage for food all day. This may not be an issue for you, and it wasn’t for me, as I don’t eat when I am not hungry, but if you tend to wander into the kitchen to graze if you are at home, set a plan for yourself to keep from overeating or eating too much junk food.
MoJo Pro-Tip #3: My Secret Shame
I hate to admit it: I have never been very good at “sales.” With my first business, I didn’t have to sell at all, because I was filling a niche that architects loved me for, and I was good at it, so architects (and many of my contractors) sent new business my way without my even have to ask.
But the truth is, from my first sale of a box of cookies as a Brownie Girl Scout, through leasing apartments, to selling office furniture… I confess, I’m not much good at it. (But I was really excited to sell that box of cookies!)
No, you can’t “fix” it for me. I have attended countless sales workshops and trainings and gobbled up a bunch of books on selling.
I understand all the concepts. I know the right words to say and all the types of “closes.” I know about “they don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” I know how to create a call to action.
But it doesn’t matter. People have never bought from me when I use those old-school, bro-biz methods.
So yeah, I’m not so proud of those long-ago jobs that made me feel like a failure. But I can set that aside, because I am proud of the way I talk to people, connecting with them like I like them—because I do.
You may have heard me say that my favorite thing in the whole tired world [sic] is sittin’ around and vistin’.
Well, when people sit and visit with me, they want to buy from me. Or they don’t. I make a client-friend or I make a friend-friend. I win either way–and so do my clients.
If you’re not great at sales, try this “relationship marketing” thing. And that brings us to
MoJo Pro-Tip #4: Networking
For some, it’s bliss, for others a necessary evil. But, as I mentioned in the “Secret Shame” section, it can be very effective for growing your biz. I happen to be an extrovert, which makes it easy for me to network, and I became really good at it when I was leading a large networking group in the early 2000s. I even taught a networking workshop! However, even introverts can become effective networkers.
The reason networking works is that we have entered into an era of marketing with divine feminine values. In other words, this ain’t your grandpa’s Rotary Club.
Networking now is about connection and community, business owners supporting one another through their personal relationships. If you can be a friend, you can use networking to build your business.
Now, some of the old “rules” still apply:
Don’t come on strong, handing out metaphorical business cards before someone asks, expecting to receive referrals of perfect clients immediately.
Yes, give referrals to get referrals, but at the same time, keep in mind that the people you give referrals to will probably not be the ones who give you referrals.
The old 30-second elevator speech is still good to have in your pocket:
Business name, if any
What you do
Who you serve
And asking for referrals should be as specific as possible. We had a chiropractor show up one day who said, “I’m looking for anyone with a spine.” He got some chuckles but no referrals. Now, if he had said, “I have openings in my practice for women who have new babies three months old or less, and had a c-section,” people would have come up with someone. Because that kind of request will make you go, “Oh, my neighbor…!” or “Yes, my daughter-in-law!” True story.
MoJo Pro-Tip #5: Contractors
Note: Be sure to check your state’s hiring laws about the difference between a contractor and an employee. Many states have strict laws about what makes an employee, and you can get into big trouble for violating them.
VA’s (Virtual Assistants, ICYDK) to coaches, bringing a contractor onto your team can be priceless. You don’t have to “manage” a contractor at all. Depending on your relationship with them, they will likely do what they do with little input from you (after onboarding, of course), and/or tell you what you need to do.
For example, I hired business manager/coach/emotional support human Lindsey Lopez ( a while back to help me get organized and find focus for moving my business forward. It turned out that she knew everything about business that I didn’t know, and then some. Keep in mind, I have been self-employed now for 25 years and somehow, Lindsey knows much more, so that is saying a lot. She also knows the latest trends in business of all kinds, but it seems to me like she is a specialist in exactly what I do. She has become indispensable to me, so I keep her on retainer!
Now, every business owner comes to the point of “I can’t get bigger until I can hire help, but I can’t hire help until I get bigger.” But that’s why contractors are so helpful. You can hire someone for a project or a launch, to write content for you, or to teach you how to do things for yourself instead of adding an employee before you are ready.
Comment below: Which of these tips did you find helpful? If you have been in business awhile, what other good basics would you add to this list?
You have a Destiny, a meant-to-be THING you are supposed to do in your life.
The essence of that Destiny is for you to enjoy your life, be happy, have fun, learn things that interest you, become self-aware, become other-aware, have a good time, connect with, love, and help others, experience all the breadth and depth of emotion, and enjoy being a spiritual being having a human experience.
But here’s the big secret about your Destiny that nobody’s ever told you:
You get to choose it.
It’s not some quixotic quest or cosmic crusade, nor is it an undiscoverable mystery— you get to choose from the gifts you were born with to create your own recipe for “Destiny Stew”.
You have gifts and talents that are intended to be used for two things:
To have fun and To help others
Think of something you know you are good at, one of your natural gifts, like singing, being a good listener, or athletic ability.
Doesn’t it feel good to flex that gift, even if you are just singing in the shower?
You know why it feels good? So you’ll do it. See how that is a “meant-to-be” kind of thing?
Awareness of your talents can be a bit tricky to come by, because if something is easy for you, you may have the crazy idea that it’s easy for everyone. (That’s what I used to think.)
But it’s not. Your gifts are unique to you, and they present in the unique way that only you can express them. Sure, lots of people can sing, but nobody sings exactly like you do.
“Every talent fulfilled and used in service to others blesses both the server and the served.” ~~MoJo Medium
Here’s a template for your “Destiny Stew” recipe:
Figure out what those gifts are.
Choose your favorite/s.
Decide how you want to use them.
Put them to work in service to others (for moola or not).
Ta-daa! You’ll fulfill your Destiny—and love your life.
Pssst! Here’s another secret: Your Destiny may actually be in several parts. If you get tired or bored of your original Destiny Stew, you can make a new recipe and do it all again.
We all want to be happy, right? Of course. I have created my life and my work around the idea of happiness.
And happiness is “pretty”, it looks good, a smile “increases your face value”…
In a personality assessment I took as part of a job years ago, I was told that one of my highest values was “aesthetics”. In other words, it is very important to me for things—and for me—to be “pretty”.
A friend once told me that I like for everything to be “pretty”. That is literally the word she used. She said, “You want everything to be pretty. And you don’t like XYZ, because that’s not pretty.”
More recently, my therapist has helped me to understand that, because of my upbringing, I regard negative feelings as “ugly” and therefore unacceptable. Positive feelings are, conversely, “pretty”.
And I do love pretty things, which is part of why I am always dressed cute, with my hair and nails and makeup just so, and why I love clothes and interior design and movies with lush cinematography.
My husband is very intuitive about people, their personalities and their emotions. And he can peg me in my anger or sorrow or feelings of inadequacy every time.
Well, dang. Ya caught me.
And you know what?
I hate that.
I hate being transparent.
I hate not being able to control what you see about me.
I hate my own fear that, if there is something in my mind or heart that isn’t “pretty”, you might know it. And then you won’t like me.
Brilliant sociologist and thought-leader Brené Brown says that shame comes from the fear that, if someone knew or even suspected a “not-pretty” thing about you, you would not be allowed to belong. You would be rejected.
And community and connection are what we humans are all about. It is a biological fact that we need one another. Early humans rarely survived for long by themselves. Like wolves and apes, we instinctively crave communion with others of our kind.
And now I get to my own Ugly Truth, and if you reject me, I’m gonna have to figure out how to live with that:
I am not perfect. I am not always happy. I am not always pretty. My feelings are not always something I feel proud of. There are aspects of my life—what I do and have, or don’t do or have—that I feel shame about.
But here’s my big problem: it’s not only important to me personally that my life be pretty. My being happy—or “pretty”—is vital to my work, my mission in life, and what I believe and understand to be my destiny.
Specifically, how can I inspire you if I am not happy most of the time?
How can I serve you if I don’t have it all figured out?
How can I guide you to be happier if I am not utterly, perfectly, and “prettily” happy all the time?
Those are hard questions for me. Oh, sure, I know you’ll “forgive” me for having a negative thought. You’ll understand that I am not perfect—nobody is, right?
But it is so important to me to be such a shining, brilliant example of joy and beauty and how great life can be that I am loathe to let you know that there’s anything about me that isn’t “pretty”.
And honey, I gotta admit, there’s plenty.
I struggle with my closest relationships and communication within them.
I am still learning how to feel like I am acceptable (and how to function without loads of anxiety) as an ADHDer in a neurotypical world—the revelation of which I came to very late in life. And that is a whole other “not-pretty” thing in itself, which I will spare you right now.
I worry about money. No, I don’t worry about how I’m going to eat, but I do worry about paying for things I want, and how I am going to take care of myself and others I love if I don’t make enough money. And there are many things and experiences that I want very dearly that I don’t have the money for today.
I often feel like a failure in one or more areas of my life, sometimes in all of them.
And, although I have worked hard to banish shame (because it tried to kill me!, but I will save that for another time), it still rears its ugly head from time to time. Like right now. I don’t know if I will ever be able to show this essay to anyone. At least not without enormous trepidation.
Worst of all, I’m afraid that, if I don’t show up for you all rich and doing all the Richie Rich things, you won’t be inspired to make your life “pretty” too.
Go figure–even MoJo gets the blues.
P.S. Here’s a little disclaimer to wrap this up, lest you think I am on the verge of tears or worse:
Much of my life experience has been and continues to be beyond pretty.
I really do consciously manifest what I want, love, and enjoy.
There are many aspects of my Self that I love and adore and feel confident about.
I love and am loved by many beautiful people.
I have had tons of experiences that have enriched my life and given me pleasure and happiness.
I know, at least on a conscious level, that I do belong.
I am very confident in Destiny and my place in the world, even though I can sometimes be shy about “letting my light shine”.
I know in my heart that I am here to help a few or several or thousands of people to be and do and have “pretty” in their lives too.
And, finally, I love that I have the privilege to do the work I do, even when I feel like I’m “not pretty right now”.
“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.
34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’
44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’
45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
(It’s that punishment part most people miss.)
I think of these verses often, when I hear so-called Christians refusing everything to people they deem unworthy. And most people are somewhat familiar with the “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” part.
And that’s good, but the haters don’t seem to remember or care that they should see every homeless person, every LGBTQ person, every poor person, every ill person, every prisoner, every person of a different faith or no faith, etc. as part of the body of their Christ.
And they also don’t seem to know that the ones who did refuse aid, service, and love to others? They were sent “away to eternal punishment”.
Whether you believe in hell or not (I don’t) is irrelevant. What matters is whether you care about other people, all of whom are connected to you energetically and spiritually.
If you are like me–not Christian and/or raised Christian but no longer practicing–this is a moral, spiritual, and/or practical issue for you, rather than one about the fear of damnation. Do you help others or not? Does it matter to you what happens to anyone else? Do you feel good when you help someone? I do.
Or, if you don’t claim to be Christian, or you don’t care about anybody else, then whatever. I can’t help you. Stingy guts.
But, if you do claim to be Christian and you not only neglect the needs of others but actively speak out (and vote) against them, then don’t make me come over there and slap you upside the head, which is better than you deserve.
Maybe you’re afraid of everything being taken away from you? Maybe you’re afraid of being forced to be someone you’re not? Well, welcome to the world. Try giving–as directed by Jesus–and see how much you receive in return.
Besides, you get to go to Heaven! Yay for you!
Thus ends today’s sermon.
Save this post! You might need to slap someone upside the head with it!
My favorite deck of oracle cards is “Magical Mermaids & Dolphins”, created by Doreen Virtue, PhD. One of the cards bears these words: “YES! Your intuition is correct. Take action accordingly.”
This goes along with the current “conventional wisdom” of using practical action when you are trying to manifest a goal or, as I prefer to call it, your “Dire Desire”. The “YES!” card mentions your intuition as the thing that can point you toward the right actions to take, but it does not tell you that your “actions” should be energetic actions, rather than practical ones.
Can manifestation work without practical action? As the card says, YES! But ideally, you should focus on both your energetic efforts and your practical actions.
That being said, the energetic part is actually more important.
If you don’t feel worthy,
if you don’t believe in yourself or your manifestation,
if you are not connected to the divine,
if you don’t “git yer mind right”,
no amount of action will bring you what you want. Or a lot of striving and trying might get you to your goal, but most likely in a way that you don’t like, e.g., being “forced” into starting your own business by getting fired, instead of choosing to start the business and quitting your job on your own terms.
You’ve probably learned “goal-setting” at some point in your life, maybe in high school athletics or in a corporate job, maybe from a motivational speaker.
The process goes something like this: What is your goal? Write that at the top of the page/whiteboard/foggy mirror. Then, write down the steps that you need to take in order to reach that goal.
For example, let’s pretend you want a better-paying job. Your list of “action steps” or “objectives” might read like this:
Enroll in program for certification in my field.
Successfully complete the program.
Update my resume.
Distribute my resume.
Follow up with employers with whom I have applied.
Repeat until desired position is achieved.
Notice that none of the action steps are “energetic” or spiritual. They are all tangible and/or practical, like making phone calls to follow up.
The way manifestation works is that you line up your energy first. And you use energetic tools that work toward your Dire Desire. Thus, if you wanted to use the “goal and action-item list” method, your new list of action steps to land a better-paying job might look more like this:
Meditate daily.
Create fresh affirmations to use during meditation.
Journal about my worthiness for the new job.
Follow the guidance I receive from the divine (or higher self or subconscious).
Now, following the guidance may induce you to “take action” like the first list. But you can see the huge difference between “practical-ing” it and “energy-ing” it.
There are many energetic/spiritual tools you can use for manifestation. My favorites, of course, are the ones I share with my clients. Learn more about that here.
Oooh, big-ass woo-woo revelation! I’m a witch! A real, house-haunting, broom-riding, cauldron-stirring witch.1
I have always known, but I didn’t know, you know?
As a child, I was deeply interested in magic, witches, fairies, genies, anything mystical and magical. My favorite TV shows were “Bewitched” and “I Dream of Jeannie,” both about secretly-magical women. It bothered me that they had to keep their abilities a secret, particularly because it was at the behest of their men. But I didn’t know I was a feminist back then either.
A favorite book was No Flying in the House, about a little girl who didn’t know she was half-fairy and had to live apart from her parents until she chose to be human. That sucked. I mean, I wouldn’t want to live away from my parents either, but who wouldn’t want to be a fairy? Cheese and rice.
At slumber parties, I would hold an object and “read the energy” from it, playing “fortune-teller” for my friends. I was eight years old—how the hell did I even know how to do that?
But back to that keeping-it-secret thing. History provides endless examples of persecution/execution of women who were suspected of practicing witchcraft. And we all know that’s just more patriarchy bullshit, but bullshit can get you killed, as it has millions of women over the centuries. It goes on to this day in some places in the world.
I recently read a novel about witches around the turn of the 19th century in England. I won’t share the title, because it wasn’t a very good book, but it revealed to me information I had not thought about before—or at least, in a very long time. The “Craft” or practice of witchcraft is not a thing in the world except the Divine Feminine at work. And these days, we often call it Law of Attraction, manifestation, or simply prayer.
Really. Very broadly, men work in the concrete, women in the abstract. Men are about building and destroying material things, women are about connecting with and nurturing people. Women are by nature highly spiritual and connected to the natural and the divine.
As I said, that is a broad assertion, with many exceptions. There are certainly men who are also spiritual and connection-oriented, just as there are many women who are solidly-founded in the material world.
But by a majority, women are the life-givers, the nurturers, the healers, the teachers, the connectors. Going back through history, women’s work became men’s work as men were able to make money doing women’s work. For example, not too many centuries past, it was the women who almost exclusively brewed the ale, dyed the fabrics, nursed the sick, delivered the babies, and many other tasks. When men determined that they could make money doing these jobs, they took them away from the women and called those women witches.
Midwifery was always the realm of women, until male doctors decided they had to do it. Did you know that the position of lying on your back to deliver a baby is only for the doctor’s convenience? Midwives have always encouraged a laboring mother to assume whatever position feels right to her, allowing her the most comfort and control for her delivery.
Likewise, male doctors in the middle of the 20th century began prescribing enemas for women in labor, ostensibly to keep the delivery zone “sterile”, but it’s not sterile to start with and a little poop on baby’s skin doesn’t hurt anything. So those enemas were for the doctor’s convenience, too. The practice has mostly abated in the United States and other developed countries, but you will still find it here and there.
“Witchcraft” became men’s word for anything women did that men either didn’t understand or wanted to make money from—or both. Many women bought into the idea too, such was and is the power of the patriarchy.
By the time I came along, in the latter half of the 20th century, nobody really believed in witches anymore. Oh, there were still a number of practitioners of the Craft, certainly, but there was nothing really mainstream. Except in fiction. Which I gobbled up like Hallowe’en candy.
I was raised in the Presbyterian Church, and happily so. My parents were both raised Baptist, with my father even planning to become a minister, like his grandfather, who was a Baptist preacher and Daddy’s hero. Daddy changed his mind shortly before college graduation, but I still grew up with four Baptist grandparents. If you were at my dad’s parents’ house on Sunday morning, you were Baptist too! I like to say I was half Presbyterian and half Baptist.
In spite of regular church attendance, I never considered my family to be very religious. Maybe we actually were and I just didn’t know the difference! I was involved in youth group, Sunday school, and church choir until I graduated from high school. I got involved again in my mid-twenties and that lasted until some time in my 30s, when I wandered away from the church and wondered toward, “What are my gifts and how do I use them in service to others?”
The idea of using your God-given talents in service to others definitely comes straight out of the Bible. I learned it in church as well as at home, and I have since analyzed my understanding of it to be sure I want to hold that value as my own. I don’t feel that way about everything I learned in church, trust me.
When I was a psychic child who felt spirits around me, unseen except in my mind’s eye, I gave little thought to such abilities. My mom said I had a wonderful imagination and “What a lovely quality!” I shrugged and assumed that all creative people shared my “woo-woo” experiences.
But there I was in my thirties, wondering if being a property manager was what God or the divine or my own soul intended for me to do. I loved my job and I was good at it, I was a good boss, I was a great project manager (still love project management!), and I made pretty good money for a woman at that time and in that field. But I just had this nagging feeling, the tug of Fate, if you will, that there was something else I was supposed to share with the world.
“Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” –Matthew 5:15-16
See? I told you it was in the Bible. And that I can quote the scriptures, being a Presbyaptist.
I no longer believe in the “church God” and I don’t believe that Jesus is my Lord and Savior. In fact, from what I have learned and read about Jesus, I don’t believe he even wanted to be anyone’s Lord and Savior. He was the Great Messenger, in my book, a prophet with some really great, really feminine ideas and ideals! The other night, while trying to sleep, I suddenly thought, maybe Jesus was actually a woman. That would explain all his divine-feminine teachings of love, help, support, nurturing, sharing, etc. And why the men were so very afraid of him!
But I do believe that there is a vast collection of divine entities and energies, which together comprise the force that creates the physical world/universe we live in. Each of us has a chunk of this divine collective, which we commonly call a soul, living within us. (I call my soul Chunky Divine. It just works.)
In my search, I discovered that I was actually quite woo-woo. I began practicing as a psychic and discovered what those unseen spirits were: the late loved ones of my clients. (When I was a kid, they were only people who had passed away, because I didn’t have any clients.) And I was off and running! It was very exciting to be a psychic and a medium! I loved it! I regularly hung up the phone after a reading and sat on the sofa in my office, agape at the power of my abilities and the connection they created between me and my clients and the divine. It truly was a wonder, and I was overwhelmingly grateful.
After almost fifteen years of that practice, I started feeling the tug again. My angels and guides let me know that I needed to expand my services to use ever more of my gifts in service to others.
“More of my gifts?” Hm… I had offered life and/or business coaching as an intuitive off and on throughout my practice as a psychic medium. I love teaching, training, supporting, encouraging others and helping them figure out their own path. So I began to pursue coaching in earnest. I opened the doors to my Mighty MoJo Club and enrolled other midlife women who wanted to use their gifts in service to others, make their lives better, and figure out their destinies.
This new endeavor struggled to get off the ground. I absolutely loved it and knew it was right, but I still wasn’t sure that I was doing enough. My ever-patient angels and guides kept nudging me. The Club and my individual coaching clients became a broader part of my work, and my psychic practice dwindled. This also felt right and actually quite good, because I had grown tired of giving readings. What had once left me agape now left me slightly bored and, if you’ll forgive me, disspirited. Talking to spirits, as special as it could be for my clients, had always felt a little bit like a parlor trick. I mean, it’s real, no sleight-of-hand, but it’s the kind of thing that makes people go, “Ooh! Ahh!”, it’s showy and show-offy. Showman though I am, I was just tired of it. Like an actress having played Ophelia on stage for fifteen years—the appeal had worn smooth.
The Club grew so very slowly; I hired a friend from a coaching group I belonged to (as a client, not as the coach) to help me with marketing. She was an “out” witch. And I vaguely knew I was a witch too, but I didn’t have any form of practice, except regular meditation and communing with my guides. I don’t care much for rituals, either, although I had become a true genius with manifestation, which, technically, yeah, that’s kind of ritualistic and, dare I say, magical? My process of manifestation is actually a ritual that could be labelled spellcasting. No question.
Naturally, just as had happened when I first learned I was a psychic, people and information crossed my path, teaching me about witchcraft without me even thinking about it. I read an article about young people (“Gen Z”) in particular who are forging a new interest in the Craft. I understood that everyone designs their own path.
And, as so often happens to me, it hit me squarely between the eyes one day. I was having my daily Spray-n-Pray time in the shower, and I got the message. “Oh! Well, duh! Of course, I am a witch!”
Like my friend, “A”, who is a psychic and possibly a medium, parading as an intuitive life coach, I have been a witch in psychic medium’s clothing. My psychic gift is but one of the many under my umbrella witch identity.
That’s it. It’s a new identity. Hello, paradigm shift and existential crisis. Except I am not afraid. I feel like I have come home. And I know there is far more to come. I used to wonder, after a few years in the psychic biz, if there would come a time when I found other gifts and what they might be. How about that?
Oh, and I have dubbed my practice “MoJo-Craft.” Chunky Divine approves.
1That’s a quote from the first episode of “Bewitched”, a childhood favorite of mine, when Samantha reveals and proves to her husband that she is, in fact, a witch.
Shortly after my client had her reading with me, she sent me this email:
“I woke up this morning way before I had to get up and was terrified—somebody was in my bed “spooning” me!
“At first, I thought I had a night mare or that it just felt like it. When I was completely awake, I still felt the person holding me and felt the warm body pressed against me. I was scared to move or breathe.
“I could not figure out why my burglar alarm did not go off. And why would somebody break in to spoon me?
“I was scared what would happen if the person woke up, but I finally decided to move just a little bit. As soon as I got away from that person, the person disappeared.
“I have never had an experience like this before. Did one of my helpers from the other side cross my boundaries? I hope that never happens again.”
And here is my response:
Wow, that IS creepy!
I’m sorry you’ve had this happen. I’ll tell you a couple of things that I hope will help.
Of course, when you thought it was a living person, that was more scary than thinking a “ghost” or spirit was there. And I’m so glad you’re safe and it wasn’t a living person.
Now. The next thing you need to know is that there is nothing in the non-physical that can hurt you in the physical. In other words, a “ghost” or spirit can’t choke you or hit you over the head with something.
So. I suggest you do this: Sit or lie on your bed and address this entity. It was probably someone you knew who has passed away, a boyfriend or husband, or it could have been an earth-bound spirit or “ghost” who thought you were someone he knew. Either way, you address this being thus:
“Hello. This morning when you lay behind me, you really frightened me. I’m sure you didn’t mean me any harm, but I was very afraid. Will you please not frighten me anymore?”
You may want to add something like, “If you need my help, please let me know in some way that I can understand and I will help you if I can. Otherwise, please leave me alone.”
Speak lovingly. I’ve told people for years to speak to it in love and it will transform or go away.
If it ever happens again, say, “There is only love here. God loves you. Please do not visit me again.”
I hope this helps. Please do let me know if anything further happens and I will do my best to help you. I can also refer you to someone to do a clearing of your house, if you need that.
I want to talk about HEAVEN. I always used to prefer the term “the Other Side”, because “Heaven” seemed like such a “churchy” word, and one that evoked equivalent possibilities of hell, purgatory, failure, and other unpleasant ideas.
I also thought that streets paved with gold, as described in the Bible, seemed a bit silly, just because I don’t care about golden streets in this life and presumably won’t in the next. I mean, unless you can pull up the golden cobbles and trade them for food and lodging, what good are they? Also, when the sun is shining, which is presumably at all times in this church Heaven, aren’t gold streets blinding?
(But I digress.)
Now. I have talked to a LOT of people who are on “the Other Side”. I mean, hundreds–nay, thousands of people who have passed from this life. And many of them have given me the thought, “Heaven is exactly what I hoped it would be.” And they’ve shown me what they hoped for and what their “Heaven” is like.
(One gentleman told me he was surprised by Heaven, because it wasn’t churchy, as he expected. He took the “house of many mansions” and “streets paved with gold” stuff literally, and half-expected to be praying and singing hymns for all eternity–imagine his pleasant surprise when it turned out to be more like what he would have enjoyed in life, but better! No feelings of regret, sorrow, anger, or other negatives. And with the opportunity to help his loved ones! But I’m getting ahead of myself. Read on.)
They’ve also shown and told and described for me what they do for their living loved ones from their Heaven. While I have eschewed the concept of a late loved one becoming your guardian angel, those on the Other Side do actually seem to be helping the rest of us here in life. Maybe “guardian angel” isn’t the exact thing they are, but they are helping you. Yes, your late mother or grandmother or uncle really is joining your angels and guides to help you and yes, you really can call on them and/or “pray” to them. And isn’t that the idea of Heaven, even in the church’s sense?
Please comment below with your ideas about Heaven.