A Myth Is as Good as a Mile

zeusWarning: If you are religious, especially very Christian, you may find this offensive, blasphemic, and/or inflammatory. Proceed at your own peril.

Have you ever heard the expression “A myth is just a religion that no one believes in anymore”?

I’ve given it some thought. You know I am always seeking answers for you and for myself, right? And you know I’m not religious?  But I do believe and feel that there is something that creates and feeds us, Source, God, the Force, whatever you want to call it. I just don’t believe in the God of the Old Testament (and some of the New, although I dig Jesus for the most part), who is all judgy and wrathful.

Thus, here’s a little game I just came up with. (I’m sure I’m not the first to come up with it, but I don’t recall having seen it elsewhere.)

Take verses from the Bible and replace “God” (or “the Lord”) with “Zeus”. If you have forgotten your ancient Greek mythology, Zeus was the BIG god, the main guy, the head honcho and Gran Queso. (That’s “Big Cheese” for the uninitiated, or “uninicianado”.) At least, he was after he overthrew his father, Cronus. But I digress. Let’s play!

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of Zeus’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of Zeus…” ~ Isaiah 2:2

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Zeus, and the Word was Zeus.” ~ John 1:1 (This is actually one of my favorite verses, and I like to replace “Word” with “Thought”, because thought is energy and isn’t that where it all begins? But that’s another blog post.)

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of Zeus.” ~ Ephesians 2:8

“Zeus is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.” ~  Psalm 145:8 (Not judgy and wrathful, yes, I know, but it still works.)

Do you think the ancient Greeks were any less serious about their religion than many people of today? I know that I tend to think of mythology as silly and I can hardly imagine someone actually believing that it was true. But people did.

What do you think? Can you give me some verses that will give us a giggle, at least? Can you expand on this idea? Leave your thoughts and scriptures in the comments below.

Sometimes the Spirits Are Shy

Just for fun, I thought I’d share something about working with spirits, or people on the Other Side. As a psychic medium, I have worked with my share of such energies. It’s fascinating work for me and is always very satisfying for the client.

When I am doing a psychic medium reading, we’ll hear from one or more of the client’s late loved ones about 50-60% of the time. The rest of the time, there are several reasons for not hearing from someone:

1) The client is too young to have lost anyone close to them or has simply not had that experience at any age.

2) The client is not interested in hearing from those on the other side. The spirits will accommodate that sometimes–but not always! Sometimes, they come on through anyway, and I convey their messages.

3) The client is already in touch with his or her late loved ones, being naturally in-tune with that, or having had such a close relationship that it continues beyond death.

4) Rarely, I’m not the right medium for that or those spirits. Sure, it can happen!

When I did group readings specifically to communicate with those on the Other Side, as John Edward does on television, there were always plenty of spirits to choose from. Some were more insistent than others, while some waited patiently and hoped to have a turn.

I can’t speak for John, but usually when I am through working, either by the clock or my own fatigue, the spirits will leave me alone until I give them another opportunity.

Oh, and sometimes I have a spirit come through who is really for the next person’s reading!

Why You Shouldn’t Care About Life Lessons

study babyI received an email from a fellow spiritual teacher in which she talked about “lessons”.  You’ve probably heard something about lessons all your life–you have to learn your lessons, you came into this life to learn certain lessons and you’ll keep being challenged until you learn the lesson.


Pardon my profanity, but I never like using the word “lessons”.  The word “lesson” contains implicit reference to your ability to pass or fail.  And that’s just not how it works.

The Universe is logical.  There is no pass or fail, no right or wrong way to live your life.  There is only what you like and what you don’t like.

Yes, you learn, but not because anyone is keeping score and not because you might fail and mess up and fall down and never get it right.  You don’t have to get it right.  Your mission is to live in the way that you like.

Yes, there are consequences to actions, thoughts, and feelings.  What you get to learn is which actions, thoughts, and feelings bring the consequences you like, instead of the ones you don’t like.

Yes, it can be a little tricky.  But you have plenty of cosmic help and support.  Instead of “lessons”, think of “messages”.  Messages come at you all the time.  This is the word I prefer to “lessons”.  If you think of “messages” being provided to you through the consequences you are experiencing, you can figure out which messages lead you to the consequences you like.

Pay attention!  Thoughts that pop into your head, conversations you overhear, something that gets your attention on the radio, experiences that happen to you, and eventually your own body… all of these contain messages that are intended to guide you toward what you like.

Pay attention!

“Do You See Dead People All the Time?”

Test-3_sm_t“How did you know you were psychic?”  I get asked that a lot, and I always think it’s kind of funny, because isn’t it a self-answering question?  But the truth is that I actually did not know I was psychic for a long time.  I did, but I didn’t.  Let me explain.

I don’t see dead people all the time.  But, if I pay attention, I can feel spirits around me most of the time.  You see, I spent most of my life ignoring my gifts.  When I was a child, and I told my mom that I felt like I was being watched, that I had a feeling that other, unseen people were in my room, she praised my “wonderful imagination.”

I’m glad she treated it that way, instead of condemning it, but it never occurred to me that I was gifted in any way.  I grew up believing that all creative people felt “unseens” around them, and frequently had pictures of unfamiliar faces pop into their heads.  It wasn’t until I was in my early 40’s that I figured out what that was!

I also had spontaneous out-of-body experiences starting when I was in my early teens.  It wasn’t until I read that famous medium John Edward had the same experience that I understood it foretold my gifts as a psychic.

I’ve had some very bold premonitions, like those of my husband’s death and September 11, but, except when I am doing readings, most of my days are probably a lot like most of yours.  Maybe I’m more accustomed to receiving “messages from the Cosmos,” but it doesn’t mean you aren’t getting them aimed at your head too!

If I pay attention, I can tune into almost anything I want.  I’ve learned to “home in” or “tune the radio” and pick up the signals.  I can look at a stranger–or think about one–and I’ll “see” his/her energy, any health problems in the body, past and future events, and/or spirits of his/her late loved ones.

This is how I work over the phone–I just tune into the person I am reading for.  If you ever see me working live, you’ll notice me looking at the floor or a blank wall.  This is so I can better “see” what’s in my mind’s eye without the distractions of faces and pictures.

I do almost always feel energies around me.  Especially over my right shoulder.  This is a guide or a group of energies that follow and steer me.  And it’s quite comfortable for me to have that feeling.

Did I answer the self-answering question?  What else do you want to know about walking around every day in the Psychic’s Pshoes?

Are you in the Garden of Eden?

We all start out in the Garden of Eden.  We know we are fully loved without condition and that all our needs are met before we even recognize them.

Do you think the baby comes out of the womb asking, “Did I do all right?  Do I get a good grade?  Does my hair look good?  Does my mom love me?”  Of course not.  Infants have just experienced nine months of having every need met instantaneously.  It doesn’t occur to them that this trend won’t continue.

After being born, we know instinctively to cry when we have a need, and that need is usually met pretty quickly, since a baby crying is annoying and, to its mother, unbearable.  We have come from unconditional love and we KNOW it, we have a full knowing of it, without doubt.

Then, one day, Mommy has to say “NO.”  She has to stop you from touching the stove or pulling the TV over on your head.  And that feels like NOT LOVE.  So we start trying to please her in an effort to get back to LOVE, back to the Garden.

We start making our beds and good grades, singing if  we can sing, being funny if we can be funny, smiling if we’re good at smiling.  We seek approval because it’s the only thing we can figure out how to get.  It only works sometimes, but it feels pretty good when we can get it.

And that’s the paradox:  You can’t earn unconditional love.  You can only earn approval, which is a pale shadow of unconditional love.  But we keep trying, because in the back of our heart, we remember unconditional love and we want it.  We want it bad.

Here’s the secret:  You’re still in the Garden.  You never really left; it’s an illusion that you have to earn someone’s approval.  You are MADE of unconditional love!  Your soul is a piece of it, and you carry it around in this vessel you call a body.  All you have to do is REMEMBER and FEEL. 

Can you feel it?  Have you ever felt like you’re back in the Garden?  Close your eyes and feel it.  It is within you now and forever.