Believe, believe, believe

I’ve been talking to you a lot about beliefs lately.  I’ve also been thinking about them myself.  A lot.  Can’t seem to stop.  But this is a good thing–it helps me to develop the answers that you need to your questions about… well, everything!

If you read the most recent post (about the OK Corral; see the previous post), it was about beliefs.  Essentially, it said that you live (or die) by what you believe.

I’ve been reading and listening to a lot of useful stuff about wealth and creating success and so forth, among them

The Attractor Factor by Dr. Joe Vitale

Money and the Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks (and Abraham)

The Art of Success (audio series) by David Neagle

And all of these discuss beliefs.  Breaking down old beliefs, beliefs that will move you forward, etc.  But here’s what happened when I asked my own angels for a little favor.  I asked them to reveal to me the belief or beliefs that were holding me back from manifesting all that I love and enjoy.

You won’t believe their answer.

Are you ready?

“The only belief that holds you back is the belief that beliefs can hold you back.”

I laughed.  And then I got to thinking about it.  The teachers are not wrong when they say your limiting beliefs hold you back.  But if you didn’t believe them, they would be.

I don’t know about you, but I think I need to take a couple of Tylenol.  Or a stiff drink.

Now, think about it, and see what it means to you.  And until next time, y’all be good!

Create, Believe, Create, Believe

Oy!  It can be confusing sometimes, just living in this human life, day after day.  And you may have noticed that I have been talking about beliefs lately…  See this post and/or this one.

And if you listened in on the little audio about wealth I did recently, you may have heard me talking about beliefs there too.  In meditation, my angels revealed this to me:

You create what you believe, and you believe what you create.

Simple?  Yes.  Easy?  No way.

Let’s take a closer look at this.  You know that you are creating all the time, right?  That everything in your life, every feeling, every person and relationship, every material thing, every experience–you’ve created and attracted and allowed all of it.  Right?  Okay.

And you further know that you can change everything in your life by choosing to change it and thinking about it.  (For more info on Law of Attraction, refer to and get a BEST Psychic Reading with me.)

So what this deal is saying is that (a) you create what you believe–okay, so you’re sitting there, wallowing in beliefs like “I’m not good enough” or “I can’t make more money” or “I’m fat” or whatever negative thing you’re thinking.  And you create that.  You have created that thing you don’t like and don’t want.

However, before you do anything else, you automatically accept what you see and experience as reality.  So (b) you believe what you create.  Looking at what you now have, you say, “This is real, this is reality, this is what I have.  I believe it.”

And then you create what you believe.

Yeah, a vicious cycle indeed.

What can you do about it?  Try not believing what you think is real.  Try not believing at all.  Try believing something that you can’t see or feel right now.

And when you’ve got it licked, let me know!

How to Un-Create What You’ve Created

Not long ago, I subscribed to newsletters by Dr. Robert Anthony.  As you know, I am always looking for good teachers and information for you–and for myself.  This particular newsletter really spoke to me.  It contains the exact same information I teach my clients almost every day.  But I still appreciated having it presented to me, in my face, right where and when I needed it.  I often think, “Metaphysician, heal thyself,” and so often that “healing” comes in the form of another person’s message to me.  So without further ado, I present for your self-improvement pleasure Dr. Robert Anthony:

Dr. Robert Anthony“Having the courage and patience to put out the vibrations of what you desire to be, as to opposed to where you are in the present, is the hardest thing you will ever have to do.  Keep in mind WHERE you
are and WHO you are in your life right now is based on your past intentions, thoughts, feeling and actions.  But you can change your future by changing your thoughts, feelings and actions.

“Your current level of results is nothing more than the residual
outcome of your past thoughts, feelings and actions. They have
nothing to do with what you are capable of or who you are capable
of becoming unless you continue to make decisions based on those
results. If you do, you will continue to create the same things
over and over again in your life.

“Here is an interesting way of looking at your life. If you look at
your current results, you can see what you have been up to for the
past five years or so. What you have been thinking, feeling and
acting upon is reflected in your current results. Look at your
body, your bank account, your house, your car, your relationships,
your job or lack thereof and what vibrations you have been
offering, because your results are nothing more than a feedback
mechanism – a mirror of what you have been thinking, feeling and

“Think about a mirror for a moment. A mirror does not judge, it does
not say if something is “good” or “bad”, “right” or “wrong”. It
does not edit or delete. A mirror just reflects back whatever is
put in front of it. Do you follow this metaphor?

“The universal mirror is exciting because when you get what you
desire you know you are on your game. When you have less than
pleasing results, that’s just the universal mirror reflecting back
to you where you have the opportunity to adjust your thinking,
feeling and actions.  Getting upset because you have messed up your
life in any area is wasting precious time. The mirror is there to
give you a wake-up call. It is saying “Hey, you’re broke. Are you
ready to do something about it?”

“Do I get upset when I experience less than pleasing results?
Absolutely. But the difference between now and my past is I am
willing to let it go. I use the experience as a wake-up call to
find a better way.  And I always find a better way, because I am
looking for it.  You can do the same.

“Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress – IF YOU LOOK FOR IT!  No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

“Truly Caring for Your Success!

“Dr. Robert Anthony”

Channeled: The Accursed “Hows”

As you probably know, I often channel information and answers from my clients’ angels and guides in a process I call “taking cosmic dictation”.  I also channel a general message each month for members of my SPARKLE Club.

The message that I received for the SPARKLE Club this month begged for a wider audience.  One of my members emailed me with this response:   “Why didn’t you just write my name across the message?  It’s probably written on my forehead.  Haha!”  So I knew–this was good.  Good for you, good for me.  Let’s read it:

Oh, pooh.  We know sometimes you feel this way.  You feel like you are not where you want to be and you really have no idea how to get there.  Well, you know those accursed “hows”!  They’re really not up to you.  If you will let that be the case.  You struggle because you hold on so tight to what MUST happen to feel good and make you happy.  Your outcome has to be just so, and so you keep other good outcomes from happening, because you are holding on so tight.  Loosen your grip, honey!  Let go of the “MUST-BEs”.  Become the designer, not the engineer.  This means you decide what you want it to look like and smell like and what you want it to do for you, and the Universe engineers HOW that will come into being.  Have you ever looked at a situation and said, “I should have been more specific”?  Well, that’s what we mean.  That situation reflects that you were holding on too tight to what it MUST BE.  Instead, focus on the feelings you want to experience, and let the Universe be your engineer.  We love you always.

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“How Can You Read for Someone Who Is Far Away?”

question markThis isn’t the first time I’ve gotten a question like this:  “How does your Reading in Writing work?  How can you read my aura via the email?”

Variations on this question include, how can I read for you over the phone or how can I tell you about someone else in your life if I’ve never met them?

Here’s what I answered this time:

“You know, it’s amazing to me too, but it’s actually almost better for me to read for you without being with you.  Everything is energy, so I just focus my energy on yours and the information comes in.  Sometimes, when I am giving a BEST Psychic Reading by phone, I will close my eyes while the client is saying something and I get much more information when I am not talking or looking at anything!
“If you wanted me to hold something, such as your watch or keys or wedding ring (a process called chiromancy), obviously, we would have to be in the same room—or at least I would have to have that object.  And I can do that; I’ve found I can ‘read’ almost anything, regular playing cards, tea leaves, whatever you put in front of me.  Because the information is not in the object and not in the person—it’s all around us, and I just have to focus on your energy.
“Even if we were face-to-face, I would probably close my eyes for at least part of the reading.  If you see me at a Suzi-Q & A LIVE, you’ll see that I often look down or close my eyes, so that I can ‘see’ what’s in my mind’s eye.”

I hope that helps you to understand how my gifts work for you.  And if you want to know more, you know where to find me!  (And yes, this client did get a reading.)

Willpower vs. Desire

We all know what it takes to break a habit, right?  You just have to have the willpower to do it!

It takes willpower to quit smoking, lose weight, or get that Starbucks monkey off your back!  If you don’t have the willpower, you’re told that you are “weak” or “weak-willed”.  And you pray for the willpower to make something happen.

Well, what if, instead of trying to “will” yourself to do something good for you, you just had the desire to do it?

What if you just woke up one morning and said, “I am so excited to go to the gym!”?  And you really felt excited to go work out?  Or you just had NO DESIRE for another cigarette.  Wow.

One of my friends quit smoking years ago, and after about 5 years, I asked her, “Do you ever want a cigarette?”  She said, “Every day.”

By using willpower, she didn’t smoke, but she still WANTED to smoke.

I myself am a former smoker.  Yes, it’s true.  And you know there is nothing more sanctimonious than an ex-smoker!  I actually quit 5 times before it took.  And the reason?  I quit because I had the DESIRE.  The first 4 times, I only used willpower.  And I eventually failed.

You see, when you feel the desire to do something, there is no need for willpower.  You don’t have to think about it.  You just do what you have the desire to do.  You don’t have to will yourself to go to the gym or not to smoke.  You don’t have to make yourself go to a job you hate or not to go to Starbucks.  (I admit I’m a Starbucks junkie with no DESIRE to quit!)

So where do you get this fabulous thing called desire?  Ask.

That’s it.  You just ask for it.  And you tell Mr. Will Power good-bye, because you don’t need him anymore.  Miss Dee Zire has taken over and she feels good!

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