A Good Spooky Story–and It Has Shoes!

Disco, July, 2012As you may or may not know, I have been moving during about half of the time since January, most of it clustered into the last four months.  Now, this is part of the topic I’ve been promising for a while, e.g., the s**tstorm that has been 2010 and when it will ever end.  But this is a story about shoes.  And a spirit.  And the spirit of shoes.

I have a pair of black patent leather penny loafers that I love very much.  Of my low-heeled casual fall/winter shoes, they are probably my favorites.  In the two-plus moves we committed this summer, somehow, they were lost in the shuffle.  Keep in mind that a good half of my house is in a storage unit nearby, so anything I can’t find might be in there.  In a box.  Amongst many other boxes.  And furniture.  And two bikes with flat tires.

Sorry, again, the story of the s**tstorm will be next.

Back to my shoes.  I had looked high and low, hither and thither.  I devised an ingenius inventory system for the moves, so almost everything could be found fairly easily.  (Planning two or more moves in short succession?  Call me today for tips on inventory!)

Alas, my list revealed nothing.  One box held some promise:  it contained items from the same area in which the shoes lived in our old house.  I dug through it, only to reveal a number of robes, evening bags, two favorite dolls from childhood… no black patent leather penny loafers.  Sigh.

Then I remembered that I have often called upon my late husband’s divining skills with some success.  Why didn’t I think of him before?  “Tim,” I pleaded, “I sure could use your help finding my shoes.  I’m also looking for the Dust Buster, the framed pictures of the elephant and the tiger, and my bath rugs.  I’d appreciate your help.”

First thought in my head:  “The shoes are in the attic.”

Second thought in my head:  “I live in an apartment and I don’t have an attic.”

Somewhere down the line of thoughts in which I argued with Tim’s suggestion, the thought arose:  “My mother has an attic.  And I put some of my things there.”

Well, I high-tailed it to my mom’s, scooted up to the attic–and, there, amongst Christmas wrap and suitcases, was a black plastic bag in a box.  Inside the bag were–ta da! (Oh, nevermind, you knew this was coming)–my shoes!  Along with a few other pairs, yay.  AND under the bag, in the box, what to my wondering eyes did appear?  The Dust Buster!  Another yay!

The two framed pictures and the bath mats have yet to appear, but I was pretty darned grateful to Tim for his help.  Sure, maybe I’m accessing my subconscious, or maybe I’m talking to Tim and he to me, or maybe it’s The Great Gazoo from “The Flintstones.”  Does it matter?

I got my shoes!  (10-25-10)

Update:  After yet another move in November of 2012, the tiger and elephant pictures and the bath mats all showed up!  It was like a treasure hunt in which I found lots of treasure!

Making Sense of that Tweet

twitterLike about half the people I know, I use Twitter. If you’re not aware, Twitter (.com) is a micro-blog site. Each entry is limited to only 140 characters. One of the cool things about it is that you can post links there–in this case, I’m going to post the link to my maxi-blog (this one). Convenient!

I want to explain a Tweet (posting on Twitter) that I posted a while back.  I said, “Love those repeated messages. Thanks to my messengers–I get it!”

I thought that might appear a bit esoteric, so here’s what I meant:

Everything starts with Spirit and your whole life is a presentation of messages that will point you in the best directions to live the life you came here to live. (And it’s beside the point, but nobody came into this life to be miserable. Remember my adage from my days as a wee mystic: If you’re not at least trying to be happy, you’re not doing it right.)

In other words, messages come to you in many and varied forms, including your thoughts and feelings, your body, the people around you, nature, things you read… Anything that catches your attention deserves scrutiny.

SO VERY OFTEN, I find that messages come in duplicate or triplicate. And I know that, just because I noticed something once or twice doesn’t mean that’s the only time I’ve received it. These messages are like roaches. For every one you see, there are hundreds of others that you missed.

Ew. Gross analogy. Anyway, not long ago, I heard the EXACT SAME THING from three different people. One person was my marketing assistant, who told me that she sometimes writes blog entries for her clients. (Not this one, it’s really me.) The next person is a friend, who is a successful copywriter, who told me she started subbing out some press releases. She has a junior copywriter write the first draft, and then she does her magic on it. Saves her a lot of time and effort. The third person showed up last.  She’s a life coach, and she mentioned her blog and how effective it is for her business. She said that she had tried a service that writes the blog for the blogger, then she would edit it to make it her own.

Do these three messages sound almost identical? This happens to me ALL THE TIME–and guess what. It happens to you all the time too! You’ve probably become somewhat immune to it. And that’s why I’m telling you this now. Start paying attention.

For my clients, when I talk about paying attention to the messages, I sometimes use an example about seeing and hearing frogs. Two frogs? You’d better listen up. Three frogs? Now you’ve got something really important.

So will my next blog post be ghost-written??? Well, I really like writing, so I don’t know, but it could happen. I got the message!

Until next time, y’all be good!  (5-12-10)

Recent Downloads

YESS bestI used to call them “messages from the Cosmos”.  Sometimes, I still call them that, or messages from my angels, or maybe even downloads.

The idea is that a thought comes to me that feels like a message from one or more unseen helpers.  And this is how I do a lot of my work for others, but right now I’m just talking about the downloads that come to me “free”, without being FOR anyone in particular.  Oh, sometimes they are for me, but more often, they are for me to SHARE.

It’s my job.  It’s what I do.

And here are the recent ones:

  • An image of me with my arms up and out, my head thrown back in triumphant joy, and a brilliant light emanating from my middle.  I “looked” (psychically) at other people, and saw that they had the same pose and the same light.  From this, I realized that we are all the same, just as we are all one.  I used to think that I somehow had more of something spiritual, and this showed me that we all have it–and my job is to help others to see or understand it too.  Cool!
  • We are “constant beings.”  This is different from “eternal beings” (which we also are).  “Constant beings” means that we always have ALL of the spirit-God-higher-self-Universe-love-power-force within at all times.  That part never changes.  What shifts is our use and understanding of it.
  • “You’ll know.”  Well, maybe this one was just for me.  I’m not sure yet.  But if you feel that it’s for you, it truly is.  And I thought it couldn’t hurt to tell you that, because if you learn to trust your inner guidance, you WILL know.

More downloads as they are received!

Until next time, y’all be good!  (5-11-10)

Channeling Money

As a modern mystic, capable of all manner of surreal tasks, I channel messages from my clients’ angels and guides, on the clients’ behalf. (Want your own Mystic Mail?  Find out about it here.)

One recent such message was so profound and timely that I feel it is really important to share. In fact, when the message started to come through me, I had the feeling that it was for a much larger audience than the client. Her question was about money and how it was her biggest concern at the moment.

Here’s the answer from her angels and guides:

Our dear, everyone’s biggest concern is money. Yes, it truly is. The man in the 3rd-world country wants to feed his family and the woman at the top of the stock market wants to buy a new Mercedes. Money makes the world go around. So rather than looking at money like a problem, like something you wish you didn’t have to think about, embrace it. It’s just like eating, sleeping, and pooping, Everybody’s gotta do it every day. So what do YOU need to do? Keep doing what you’re doing, but do it with love, change your attitude to one that says, “I love me, and I love the people I love. I work at this because I love me, and if I don’t love this work, then I am not loving me, so I will do other work.” When you want to change your work, you ask the right people and you find out what other work to do. If you don’t want to work at all, then set your sights on that. You don’t have to plan it, like “I want this much money, so I can go this long without working and live in this way”. But you can say, “I want to have freedom in my life!” And that will find its way to you. Embrace money not as a necessary evil or as something that has always eluded you, but as your friend, your partner in creating a life that you love and want every day. It’s not that you want to look past it, or to forget anything you have learned, not at all, but you are using everything you know, and now you know more. You know that it is your friend, so invite it to tea. Say, “Hello, money, I love you, and I need you, and guess what–you need me too, so let’s be friends and let’s have fun together. Thanks for being there for me.” It may not feel true today, but it will be true tomorrow. We could just shake you until this sinks into your head. But you can do it yourself. Believe us, we’re true. True blue!

And I will leave you with those thoughts, along with your own angels and guides.

Until next time, Susan K. Morrow (2-24-10)