Past Lives

In reading Wishes Fulfilled by Dr. Wayne Dyer, I was very interested in a transcription of his experience in being past-life regressed with hypnosis.  And I remembered that I had written down one of my experiences with the same.

I’ve been regressed two or three times, and this is my account of one of those sessions.  As I understand it, most people recall one or two lives at most per session, but, as you’re about to read, I had several.  I don’t know if that’s because I am very suggestible or because I am psychic or what, but it’s pretty cool!

Interestingly, when I dug up this essay and re-read it, there was one life I did not recall at all, the 19th-century schoolteacher.  Also, I’ve removed the names of the people whom I know in my present life.

And finally, if you want to know more about past-lives, I cannot recommend strongly enough that you read Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss.

Past lives 8-28-08

Janet hypnotized me and these were the results:

I was walking through a yellow meadow.  Janet asked who I was.  I said I was a girl named Shayla (phonetic).  She asked how old I was and I said, “10”.  I suddenly sounded young.  Janet asked what I was wearing and I looked down to see that I had a pinafore and I said, “I’m a little Dutch girl!”  Janet asked if I even had wooden shoes and I answered that, “Yes.  We’re going to a festival.”

My father was holding my hand.  He was a woodcutter.  He gave me a doll that he had carved and it was a wooden man with hinged arms and legs that moved.  I’m happy, but my father is sad.  He’s sad because my mother died.  I cry a little bit now.  Then we go to the festival.  I can see the whole gathering area, which consists of a clearing in the woods, a church building and one other building (the parsonage?) and several temporary things for the festival.  My father leaves me to go work, either building a bonfire or selling things he has made, I’m not sure.  I see my friend, a little boy, and he brings me an apple.  He goes with me to watch me dance with the other girls.

Janet asks if I recognize him.  He’s “J” in this life.  This makes me laugh in surprise.

Next, I see a woman in a red cloak, sitting along the path in the woods.  It turns out that I am she.  I have wonderful gifts.  I deliver the babies in the village and all around.  Janet asks where I am.  I say it is now Turkey, but it was different then.  It’s heavily wooded and green.  There is a large town nearby.  I give herbs to people and I speak in a language that is for healing.  I go to the woods to talk to the animals.  The birds especially, because they fly around and look at everything far away and then come and tell me what’s going on.  Then I tell the people, so that they can be prepared for what’s happening.

Now I am afraid because the people have turned against me.  I can’t understand why they don’t like me anymore, they hate me, and they fear me.  I am so very sad because I keep saying, “I came to help.  I want to help.”  But now they won’t let me anymore, and I tried to protect them from war, but they are in danger now because they hate me now.  And I can’t help them.  I am so upset and sad about this, because I really love them and want to help them, I came to be this person so I could save them, but they will get hurt, get sick, and die because I can’t help them anymore.  And I am afraid, because they will kill me.

Janet took me out of my body to see what happened.  I don’t want to write it down.  But death was okay, because I left my body and went on and was okay.  This was the life (or one of them) where I learned that being well-known and inexplicably knowledgeable could be dangerous, painful, or make me feel unloved.

In the next life, I saw a thatched house on stilts.  A house of grass or reeds.  Janet asked if there was a river nearby.  Yes, it’s marshy.  It’s…  is it a rice paddy?  Yes, the people there work hard.  This life is not happy.  The house on stilts is the leader’s house.  I live in the house with him and I am a servant.  I am a little boy, and I work in the rice paddy too.  There is a famine and we have very little.  Everyone is always hungry.  I am fortunate because I am an orphan and the leader took me in instead of leaving me to starve.  It is not happy and I only work and sleep on the hard floor, eat a little, and work more.  But the leader is not unkind.  I ask what was the purpose or message about this life.  “Even in the most meager of circumstances, there is love.”  I ask if I know the village leader, and I realize it is David Neagle, whom I do not know personally in this life.

Now I am a man, a teacher, I think it is the middle ages, but I’m not sure…  I am the Teacher, the main one, and the last of my kind.  I have scribes who work for me, whom I teach to translate the scriptures.  I know all the languages and I list them:  Aramaic, Hebrew, Latin, Greek, German (I want to say Low German, but I think that term did not exist), Roman (I don’t know what this was—perhaps an early dialect of Italian), and an older language that I could not name.

I am often frustrated because I cannot get the scribes and students to understand the translations correctly, so there are many mistakes.  The mistakes continue until none of it is correct.  We are in what is nowEastern Europe.  Many other students come from the east (Western Russia?Hungary?), their best and brightest, from the mountains (Ural?), where we recruit the best students.  I send messages and ask for more, but they are never bright enough to learn what I know.

Still, this is a very positive life.  I am special, I am the Teacher.  I understand the frustration Jesus felt, because the people could not understand the depths in the simplicity of his teaching.  I am the last of my kind, the last to understand the ancient languages that were passed down to me through generations of my family and/or teachers.

I like being so knowledgeable, I like being the one who knows everything.  I like teaching and I love my students and scribes.  As I grow old, I go blind, but I have a helper, a young man.  He is now “C” in this life.  He dotes on me like a caring friend, being sure I don’t spill my soup and helping me dress.

We live and work in buildings made of grey stone.  A classroom/workroom is high up and overlooks a mountain city.  My bedroom is also high up, with a door in the middle of one wall. It is spare, but not uncomfortable.

One day, the king, duke, or chancellor comes to visit me.  He bows down to me and kisses my ring.  It is on my left hand.  I do not feel any especial surprise at this treatment, but I do feel honored.

This life showed me so much about the present one.  My languages came from there and I was the last one to understand about the ancient words.  No one has done it since.  It’s been lost.

I just looked at a map.  I am thinking that I was somewhere around present-day Austria or Czech Republic and the new students came from Hungary.

I am a male teacher.  I see the chalkboard first.  It is 18–, late-eighteen-hundreds.  I wear robes, so I think I am in England.  The students are all young boys.  They mostly want to go outside and play, but sometimes there are eager students.  One of them comes to visit.  He is “M” in present day.  We were good friends and I was histeacher.  He was a good student, loved to study, enjoyed learning from me.  I have a long pointer, like a pool cue, that I use in class.  I am strict but not cruel to the boys.  I like teaching.

Now I am a woman, walking up to a blue colonial clapboard house, two stories above ground.  I am confused, because I have the wrong date in my mind.  Janet asks what year it is and I say, “1776”.  Now it makes sense.  It is colonial America.  I walk into my house.  The walls are white plaster and the rooms are small.  No coverings on the windows, but there are shutters outside.  My cousin is hiding in the basement, because he is accused as a thief.  He has red hair.  I don’t like to go downstairs, but my mother makes me take him broth and tea.  I am about 18.  I wear a white cap.

I marry a smart man who is a politician.  I am very smart and he appreciates this about me.  We like awake at night in bed, talking about our ideas and I have many good ones.  He uses them in his work.  I am okay with not getting credit and I am proud of him for getting the credit.  I feel that we share it and so does he, even though no one knows that I help to shape the policies of our town.

I see him making a speech on the platform, in front of a clearing that will become the town hall. We are happy together.  I am never able to have children, but he doesn’t hold that against me.  I can’t have children because…  I ask Janet if there was small pox.  Yes.  I think that is why I can’t have children.  She says probably.  I am saddened by this, but I still have a happy life.

My cousin was hanged.  I did not go to the hanging.  I realize that these people were my ancestors for present day.  They are Wrights.  One is named Michael.  (I have no idea if Grandmother’s family dates back to the Revolution.  I’d like to find out.)  I think I now know the one who was my husband, but I don’t know who it is.


Yvette’s Late and Lovely Cajun Friend – a Spooky Story

5241_MedThis story happened during a Facebook Phenom, so all of it was typed; this is not a transcription of a phone reading.

Client Yvette (who I know speaks French) asked:  “So what do I need to know?”

Susan K. Morrow:  Hello, cherie! There’s a lot of French coming at me! Sounds Cajun, though… Did you have a grandma who has passed who was French and/or Cajun? Because I am getting a definite image of this woman (who I feel is your grandma) with a big wooden spoon, talking and singing in French while she cooks. The kitchen is not well-lit… She calls you something like… “petite” what is it? It’s not “chou” but sounds something like that, like “chat” maybe or “chone” (which is not a word I know, I’m just spelling what I’m hearing). She’s referring to “neck lace” and showing me an actual lace collar, but I don’t know if that is actually “necklace” in English. She’s also saying “bracelet”, so I assume she gave you some jewelry, and/or a lace collar that she made. She just clapped when I typed that and seems pleased. She says that the children take too much of your mind, tu tete. That you should focus more on yourself and “fine living”. When I ask her to say that in French, she says, “vie de France.” She says to tell you, “Tu etes ma chere, tu etes mon amoure.” She’s keeping it simple for me, but I also think she talks to you like you are a child. Yep, the Phenom shifted about three readings back! I hope this is meaningful to you! If you didn’t have a grandma like this, I will be very surprised, because she is a true presence! “Formidable!

Amanda (Yvette’s sister): I agree with the children taking too much of your mind. I can imagine this is our great grandmother, Amanda. She was a seamstress. I don’t remember her cooking but I was very young the last time we saw her. Let me know what Susan says and what you think this means.

Yvette’s response:  I am sure this was my friend Laura that has passed, her birthday was the other day. She was a Cajun woman but so very elegant and taught me so much about life. Cooking was a passion for her, she had a pet name for me also. She always showered me with jewelry and I took care of her till right before she passed away, a little before that she put her favorite bracelet on me and told me to always take care of myself because as women we tend to put others first (tearing up here). She called me .. Ma petit cho fleur— my little cauliflower– it was a personal joke we had.

Susan K. Morrow:  WOW! She was really clear! I am SO DELIGHTED to have had the privilege to bring her through for you.

Shortbread Cookies Are Good for the Soul

From a recent Facebook Phenom comes this exchange with a client, which I have transcribed here verbatim.  Pretty cool, huh?

Hi Susan, I would like to know if you have a message from my brother Rafael or from my guides and/or spirit. Thank you.

And my answer to her was:

Hi, L***! It’s funny that when I read, “Rafael”, I thought of the archangel, even though you said he was your brother. And this leads me then to see that he is one of your guides. This is not very common, for someone who has passed away from human form to become one of your guides, but I would include him in your group of angels/guides.

Okay, the message is– shortbread cookies!  I have no idea what that means, so I hope you do!  If I had to make it more definite, I would say you need to get creative in the kitchen, do some baking, and enjoy the process.  It will open your creative chakra (navel/sacral) and help you to bring opportunities to you.  Good luck!

Now, hold onto your hat, because here is L***’s response:

Dear Susan, he is funny, my little brother is just the happiest man.  Yes, I am already baking shortbread cookies and I always laugh because I bake them and give them away only.  It is my rule #1.  His tragic passing was on Nov 2, 2012.  Thank you so much.



BLUE and POOFA couple of days before Jeannie’s reading, I woke up with a name from a T.S. Elliot poem in my head.  I was taking a shower, and I kept hearing, “Rum-Tum-Tugger”.  I barely know anything about Elliot’s work, but had read some of the cat poems in high school.  I saw “Cats” inLondon in 1983, but that was probably the last time I had encountered Rum-Tum-Tugger.  In fact, I didn’t even recall that it was in the show.

Fast forward to Jeannie’s reading.  I had only had about a minute for my pre-reading meditation, so I had not even gotten any contacts from the Other Side.  As soon as I opened up, three people popped up, 1-2-3.  One was the spokesperson, but none of them took on a gender or even an appearance for me.

I told Jeannie that Number 1 called itself “Teacher”, Number 2 “Brother” (passed under age 20) and Number 3 “Toddler” (shown with a high chair).  Jeannie confirmed that she had a cousin who passed at age 2, a boy who drowned when Jeannie was 10.

“Brother” turned out to be Jeannie’s uncle, her mother’s brother, who died in his teens.  I asked if he also had drowned, because I was getting water associated with his death.  She said no, it was a car accident, but she didn’t know details.  I suggested that she ask about water, and told her that he wanted her mother to know that he was okay, that his death was not a struggle and it was all right.  I felt that there were question marks around his death, but he said that those questions did not need to be asked, that it happened as it had appeared.

It turned out that she didn’t need to tell her mother, because her mother had already passed.  I went back to the spokesperson and I felt that it was a “he”, a teacher, someone older when he passed, a resource who may not have been related to her, who always had answers and plans.  Jeannie thought it might be a friend of her family whom she hadn’t seen in a long time.

And then came the bombshell:  I said, “I don’t know about this, it’s weird, but it was a T.S. Elliot poem that was stuck in my head the other day.”

Jeannie gasped.  “What is it?”

“Well, I don’t even know that much about it,” I said, “but it’s Rum-Tum-Tugger.”

Jeannie gasped again and started to cry.  “That’s my mother.  That’s my mother.  She loved ‘Cats’ and Rum-Tum-Tugger was the trouble-maker, and she loved to sing that song!  It was her favorite!”

The two of us delighted in her mother’s contact for several minutes.  Even I couldn’t get over the clarity!  Her mother had been contacting me for over two days before the reading!  Clear as a bell!  I don’t think Jeannie could have asked for a better message from her mother.  And I certainly could not have!

Hold Hands and Share Space

Test-3_sm_aAt my last Phenom (a live event I used to hold on Facebook, where readers posted questions and I gave them mini-readings), this one was among the Q & A’s.  This and the private message exchange that follows have been transcribed verbatim, only edited for brevity and clarity.  Read what Miss T said about my reading and share in the comfort it gave her:

Miss T:
Hey, Susan! Finally made it to a Phenom? What’s up for me? 🙂

Hi, Miss T!  Glad to have you!  I’m seeing you poring over something, like a game or a crossword puzzle, and you are nervous.  Like you’re waiting for news about something important.  This seems to be related to the health of a loved one.  All you need to do/will do is be there for this person and hold hands and spend time and share space. And remember that everything happens not for A reason, but for many reasons, and just as it is meant to. You might want to read my lecture on beginnings and endings to C*** further down this page.*  Best of luck!


Later, Miss T sent me a private message:
I wanted to let you know that your reading for me on the Phenom was SPOT ON! When you first said it, I was confused, because no one in my family or any of my “loved ones” were ill. But it has all come to pass just as you said it would and you answered a question for me concerning my role in the future.

Thank you. I really appreciate that great feedback.  I would like to know more about your situation. If I can help you any further, please say so.

Miss T:
Yeah, oddly enough, I knew you wouldn’t be surprised by it.  My situation–my mom is ill. Apparently she’s been ill for a while but we don’t have much of a relationship or at least haven’t had. She called me the Monday after the Phenom to tell me she was having health problems but I didn’t call her back. Kept trying to prepare myself–during which time I kept playing a game on my phone over and over to deal with the nerves. Just like you said and I didn’t realize it until after and then everything began to make sense. Wednesday her neighbor called to let me know she was in the hospital. I called her there and we had a good conversation about a lot of things. Then I got word today that they’re putting her in ICU today. I have to head to the hospital and see what’s going on. From talking to her neighbor this morning, it sounds like she’s extremely ill.

Well, I am so sorry. And not being close might make it even worse. Just remember what I said–all you have to do is be there. That will be very, very important to both of you. I wish you and your family the best and I hope your mom at least isn’t in pain.


Hi, how’s your mom doing?

Miss T:
I think I might be facing an end-of-life decision tomorrow for mom. Her doctor wants to see me in person in the morning.

I’m at peace with the decision if I have to make it. Just have to work through all the feelings I have, wishing things were different. When I visited mom today, there was no life in her eyes so, even before they called, I was thinking her prognosis was grim.

I understand. You are obviously very wise. I wish you the best tomorrow, and I’ll be thinking of you.


Miss T:

And in the end, it was just like you said it would be. I shared space, spent time and held her hand.

God bless you both. I am honored to have had any participation and I hope it was helpful or meaningful to you.

Miss T:
It was helpful and comforting.


*[Lecture on beginnings and endings to a different client:

Here’s what’s up for you: you are coming to the end of an era. That sounds scary to you until you realize that it is also a beginning, and you cannot have one without the other. So look for the beginning that is arriving at the same time, and relish the new freedoms it offers you. This may pertain to a relationship (which is my feeling) or your job or even graduation from school? But ultimately, while the ending can be painful and/or distressing, move forward into the beginning with confidence. This is part of what you came into this life for!]

Hidden Guilt – Client Problem or Book Title?

I was giving a reading, and pretty early on, I told my client, Sophie, that it felt like she felt guilty, that she was bearing guilt, a “hidden guilt” (the exact words I was given), and it was keeping her from manifesting some of her dearest desires.  When she asked when the guilt started, I felt around psychically, like I do, and said, “in your mid-20s”.

Sophie told me about something she was doing at that time, which might be considered guilt-worthy by some, but claimed she didn’t feel guilty about it, that she was over it.

I continued to get this phrase “hidden guilt” throughout the reading, and suggested she follow up in hypnotherapy to discover the “hidden guilt” that was keeping her from enjoying her life.

Finally, toward the end of the reading, I got the suggestion to recommend a book. My logical mind started to search around for my metaphysical and self-help library titles, then I heard, “Hidden Guilt” again.

So I Googled it.  The first entry in the search was it.  It’s a book.  The subtitle is “How to Stop Punishing Yourself and Enjoy the Happiness You Deserve.”  Here’s the link to it on Amazon, if you’re interested:

Sophie said, “I say that!  I say, I feel like I am punishing myself and that’s why I don’t have what I want!”  She was off to get the book when we hung up.

Yes.  Every.  Time.