The Right Eye Tells Me Everything

I never talk about this. Actually, I rarely even think about it. I only do it every once in awhile, and I just did it and I thought, I want to do more of this!

It’s the Right Eye. If I look at a person’s right eye, I get a Big Truth about them.

For example, I looked at Johnny Depp’s right eye once, and I saw a certain sadness and a bit of little-boy fear. Maybe it’s because he was very close to his mother. That’s the feeling I get. I don’t know if you can see it, but I do.

Like I said, I just did it a few minutes ago, and I saw in that person’s right eye a kindness and curiosity.

These traits may not show up anywhere else. You might not think someone is insecure, or happy, or unhappy, or shy, or scared…. But there I see it in the Right Eye. It is especially interesting to me with actors, because they are facial chameleons and seldom wear their own true feelings.

This is not iridology, a pseudo-science of “reading” people in their irises. This is just the psychic “hit” I get by looking at the Right Eye.

Send me your picture and I will see what I see!


Why Are We Here? It May Not Be What You Think

Y’all. This is serious.

It is the age-old question. The one that has puzzled philosophers and Joe Blows since time immemorial:

Why are we here?

I was working on this recently, and by “working on”, I mean I was meditating, asking my A&G’s*, and feeling around psychically, as is my wont.

The first answer that came through was one you may have heard before: To make the world a better place.

I like that answer. In the past, I have been told that we are here to be happy, to find what we love to do and do it. I’ve also learned that we all have talents, and we are free to use those talents in service to others, thereby blessing ourselves and those whom we serve. I like those answers too.

But this idea of making the world a better place brought me to another question: Why? Why do we come here, into physical life, to make our physical world a better place?

And here’s what came through. It’s a doozie, so hang on to your hat: We are compelled to do so.

Yeah. It’s not even so much a compulsion as it is an instinct, an innate drive–innate to the body AND the soul! Wow.

You know how the survival instinct is so incredibly strong? How hunger drives you to eat? That, if you want to starve yourself for a hunger strike, it’s physically very difficult. Even someone who wants to kill himself has to override the body’s strong instinct to stay alive. Psychologists say it is almost impossible to commit suicide by drowning, because your body will fight instinctively to overcome the water. Even when a person dies of natural causes, the body will sometimes twitch or spasm as the soul tries to leave. That survival instinct is the most powerful that we are born with.

And the instinct or drive or compulsion to return to the physical from the non-physical–that heavenly place where all is joy and love?–is at least that strong. We HAVE to come back and try to make the world a better place. It’s biology. Not just spirit, which science has yet to fully define.

Before I received this information, I had come to believe, or even to feel that I KNOW, that a soul hangs out in Heaven and plans its next life. Among other things, of course, such as checking in on their loved ones and maybe fitting a round of golf or a game of bridge here and there. (That’s only partly a joke.) Some souls attend classes and meetings, while others seem to be hanging out and enjoying the newly-re-discovered peace and happiness that are Heaven.

In addition, some years ago, I channeled this message about what happens to people after death:

They are a different kind of energy [from physical] and do not stay with you constantly. Their energy melds with that of the Universe, or God, and returns to a collective stance. They then can check in on you and visit you, but they are doing other work. What is this work? They are finding out what their next life will be and deciding what they want to experience and who to take with them. It is like planning a corporation. The plans always come through. Nothing is ever wasted or done “wrong.”

And I have always found this helpful and inspiring. Then, my husband, who is also my CFO, CPA, Grand Vizier, and Muse, started asking, “Why are we here? Why do we keep coming back? Why wouldn’t we want to stay where there’s so much happiness and we get to be with our loved ones?”

You have probably wondered that yourself. And now, I have an answer. Is it THE answer? We can only speculate at this point. But I am going to act like it’s the Truth with a Big T, and I am going to keep trying to make the world a better place.

If that’s what most people–or even SOME people do–life after life, working to leave the world even a little better than they found it–then the world and all humanity will continue to evolve into a stronger, better, happier, more prosperous, healthier place. And we’re going to want that, since we have to keep coming back just like we have to eat!

*A&G’s = Angels & Guides. Of course. :o)


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Pithy Quote 14

“God is in the ‘unknowing’. Be glad of what you don’t know,
because that is where God is, that is where the magic happens.

“It’s in the curiosity,
the study,
the research,
the search,
the wishing,
the motivation,
the impetus,
the desire to know
—-that is where creation occurs.”

A dear family friend passed away recently. He was the patriarch of a family that I grew up with, even though they lived in another state. The night before I was to leave town for his funeral, I asked him how he was doing in Heaven. He came forward willingly and we chatted a little. Then he gave me this quote. He stayed with me until I memorized it. Then I went to sleep.

In the morning, I wrote it down and posted it on Facebook. I sent it personally via text to a family member, who was moved to tears by it, because it meant something very personal to him. So I had to make a meme of it.

I hope you like it.

Hey, this “Vision Board” thing really works!

Vision Board January 2016You know about Vision Boards, right? I think they were more popular a few years ago than now, but they are still around. Featured in “The Secret” and about a gazillion teachers’ and gurus’ blogs, Vision Boards are a manifestation tool that simply put your dreams on paper, in visible form. Supposedly, doing this allows your dreams to manifest into reality. There are hundreds of stories of people’s visions coming to fruition, thanks to putting those visions onto boards.

Awhile back, I decided to create my annual Vision Board for New Year’s in a digital format. Instead of poster board and pictures and words cut from magazines, I designed a pretty version in Pic Monkey, an online photo-editing application. ( Here is the second digital Vision Board I created, for 2016.

Then, in November, 2015, I had a new idea: Shrink that baby down to wallet size! I used a 3×5 index card (mine is unruled), created a little border, gave it a title, and proceeded to fill in all the words that described what I wanted out of that title. I admit, I am a Word Nerd, so this is really easy for me. You may need pictures–maybe you can draw little pictures on your Vision Card. (Here is more information about the Vision Card. It includes a story about a Vision Board I made that came true.)

And here is what is super-cool: They work! Apparevision cardsntly, when it comes to manifestation, size doesn’t matter! My fiance, Don, and I just moved. This move has been pretty different from what we had originally expected. We listed our condo for sale back in October or November, just before I created my “our home” Vision Card. I was already shopping online for houses in one of Houston’s suburbs, and I was getting great ideas about what I wanted when we moved. I got really specific about it on my Vision Card, titled “Our Home”.

Fast forward six months, and we have just moved into our new apartment. That’s right, not a house, as we expected. The buyers were in a hurry, so we didn’t have the time we needed to find a new house and get closed before they needed to take possession of the condo. We decided to rent an apartment for six months and then buy a house. Well. Here we are. We found an apartment that we love. Both of us are just crazy about it!

And here’s the Big Happy: Almost everything on that Vision Card is a part of this new home. The few things that are missing we don’t miss too much–and we can save those for the next home. We are already talking about staying here longer than our one-year lease. Yes, it’s that good.

I know you are ready to run right out and make up your own Vision Cards. Happy Visioning!


Destiny vs. Free Will (Part 12)

Ricci go w-“We are not permitted to choose the frame of our destiny. But what we put into it is ours.”~~Dag Hammarskjold

[Don’t go looking for parts 1-11, because I just made up “Part 12”. This is a topic I think about a lot and there may be other posts about it.]

I ran across this quote from the UN Secretary-General of the ’50s, and it made me start ruminatin’ yet again about destiny vs. free will. This is not a religious question for me, but a philosophical one: Is it all preordained or do we have a choice about our lives? If it is not preordained, how can I see events that will happen in the future? And, for people who are not psychic, is the question less–or more–important or difficult? And lastly, what did Dag know that the rest of us don’t?

I have meditated, read, and thought quite a bit about this. I was raised Presbyterian, where preordination is the prescribed belief. God plans it all out for us, according to the Presbys. Even though I left the church long ago and am not religious, this belief informs my thoughts and feelings today.

I have read other teachers’ works which claim that our souls plan everything ahead of time, before we are even conceived. I find that can be comforting, especially in difficulty. To believe that you had a good reason for planning whatever tragedy has befallen you can be somewhat soothing. But then I think, isn’t that the same thing as saying, “It’s God’s will”? And “It’s God’s will” always pisses me off, because why would God want you to suffer? One reason I am not religious is that I don’t believe in a God who allows, wants, or causes suffering.

But if you have chosen your path yourself, and you assume you had a good reason, does that help? “Why in the world would I want to lose [this person I love] at this stage in my life?” And we don’t know.

The other side of this coin is that everything may be random. Stuff just happens, and you can make things happen or not happen if you think and try and plan and work hard enough. It’s “free will”–another religious thing I don’t like, as if we are actually programmed one way, but then “God” gives us freedom from that programming so we can be free to sin and screw up for Him. Pfffft.

After working with clients for over ten years, and making accurate predictions for them all, one day I finally determined that our lives are a combination of Destiny and Free Will. It seems that there are events I call “Destiny Points” that will happen no matter what you do. Examples are the person you’ll marry and the children you will (or won’t) have, a car wreck, a job or career, that kind of thing. The choice part comes in how fast or slow you get to those points (unless they are tied to a specific age, which seems possible) and how happy you are getting there.

This worked for me pretty well. But I kept coming back to the idea of, if I can predict it accurately, doesn’t that mean it is already in motion? Already a plan? Already happening in a future time? And I predict all manner of random things, not only big “Destiny Points”, that turn out to be true. I’ve had premonitions of things that were not connected to readings or clients, such as my husband’s death and September 11–how is that possible, if they were not already going to happen?

My theory that we have Destiny Points and our choice of happiness and speed between them matches Hammarskjold’s quote fairly well. What do you think?

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Pithy Quotes 13: Disapproval

disapprovalReceived from one of my very own RIPs:

“Someone else’s disapproval of you is their fault, not yours.”

Other people were not put on this earth to give or withhold their approval of you. And you were not put here to earn their approval. Anyone who doesn’t “approve” of you in any way is only showing their own colors, drab and ugly as they may be.

It can be hard to ignore someone’s disapproval, especially those closest to you. Oh, sure, it’s pretty easy not to care if a stranger looks askance at your tattoo or outright tells you she disapproves of what you just said to your child. Those fall into the “joke ’em if they can’t take a f**k” category. Roll your eyes and move along.

But when it’s your family members or other close loved ones, disapproval can sting. Still, it comes down to this: no matter how much you might desire your loved one’s approval, that approval (or disapproval) has nothing to do with you. It is only that person trying to manipulate you into making him/herself feel better. (And they don’t know that their happiness is up to them, not you! Go figure!)

And who wants to be manipulated into doing someone else’s bidding? Show of hands? None? How about that?

I can’t even count the number of times I have described the third chakra to a client in these words: “Your opinion of you is the only one that needs to matter to you.”

You may never get the approval you so dearly long for from your dad, your mom, your grandma… But it doesn’t matter, because their disapproval is their own fault. They conjured it up and spit it out as they chose to do. Go on and do your thing, baby. Not that you need it, but you’ve got my approval.