More about Money

It keeps coming up again and again. Clients asking about money. Or complaining about money, or more accurately, the lack thereof.

As we discussed in part at the 2012 panel I served last weekend in Denver, everything is changing in our world, and that includes money and how we get it and use it. As just one pointed example, the 2008 stock market crash–that was just the beginning of a highly mercurial time in the market. I said BACK THEN that it was one of the old systems that were starting to break down–not to end prosperity, but to give way to new methods that will give most or all of the world greater prosperity. The stock market will still be around for those who want to work/play that way, but it will come to the point that it is no longer the main basis of the world economy.  (I also discussed how talking about recession will bring recession on, here.)

And as always, the less you resist coming changes, the easier it will be for you.

I’ve been working on editing the readings I’ve done on Phacebook Phenom the last six months, and I ran across this:

“Relief from financial straits will come sooner and easier if you work on YOU, spiritually, inside-out, working on learning what it’s really all about and how you create successfully.”

Of course, you and I do that all that time, right?  But maybe this will help.  Recently, I noticed what I had managed to do and realized that I was actually doing it!  I was actually meeting some of my short-term goals, and this was proof enough to convince myself that I WAS IN full-on receive mode.  Not long after, I got the message that it needs to be give-and-receive mode, because the two are equal parts of a whole.  And that had been coming to me before that as “reward”, like “You will be rewarded.”  And that’s what I am focusing on philosophically at the moment.

Also, I want to respond to what a client said about “the Universe was about to take care of us.”  Remember that what comes to you comes from you.  The Universe doesn’t care what you want or how you put it out there; it can only say “yes”.  So if you’re putting out there that you are not being taken care of, that’s what comes back to you.  Casting your bread upon the waters, as it were.  Start putting it out there (and lying to me, yourself and others, if you must) that you are fully provided for.

The thing about lying is that it’s very uncomfortable for me, and I’m bad at it.  I’m sure like you, I was raised to be truthful.  But according to Abraham, you should tell your story the way you want it to be, and screw the “facts”.  And that’s what I just said above, pretty much.

I know it’s hard not to be fearful in a difficult situation.  I have definitely born my share of fear!  And I still do!  And I’m the brilliant one!    But it is the most counter-productive thing you can do, to indulge fear.  (To consider creating with fear, see this blog post.)

You know what I always say, “The only devil is fear, and the only sin is neglecting your own happiness.”

Willpower vs. Desire

We all know what it takes to break a habit, right?  You just have to have the willpower to do it!

It takes willpower to quit smoking, lose weight, or get that Starbucks monkey off your back!  If you don’t have the willpower, you’re told that you are “weak” or “weak-willed”.  And you pray for the willpower to make something happen.

Well, what if, instead of trying to “will” yourself to do something good for you, you just had the desire to do it?

What if you just woke up one morning and said, “I am so excited to go to the gym!”?  And you really felt excited to go work out?  Or you just had NO DESIRE for another cigarette.  Wow.

One of my friends quit smoking years ago, and after about 5 years, I asked her, “Do you ever want a cigarette?”  She said, “Every day.”

By using willpower, she didn’t smoke, but she still WANTED to smoke.

I myself am a former smoker.  Yes, it’s true.  And you know there is nothing more sanctimonious than an ex-smoker!  I actually quit 5 times before it took.  And the reason?  I quit because I had the DESIRE.  The first 4 times, I only used willpower.  And I eventually failed.

You see, when you feel the desire to do something, there is no need for willpower.  You don’t have to think about it.  You just do what you have the desire to do.  You don’t have to will yourself to go to the gym or not to smoke.  You don’t have to make yourself go to a job you hate or not to go to Starbucks.  (I admit I’m a Starbucks junkie with no DESIRE to quit!)

So where do you get this fabulous thing called desire?  Ask.

That’s it.  You just ask for it.  And you tell Mr. Will Power good-bye, because you don’t need him anymore.  Miss Dee Zire has taken over and she feels good!

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Is it really better to give than to receive?

gift 3I often find myself teaching clients about giving and receiving.

Many people are caught up in guilt and a lack of divine value, and they (we) have been taught that it is better to give than to receive.  This leads to an experience of lack in many, if not all, areas of one’s life.

That’s why I teach that it is equal to give as to receive, and you can’t have one without the other.  This then leads me to instruct my clients to practice giving to and receiving from themselves, accomplishing four things:

  1. Show the Universe that you are ready to receive, so that other receiving opportunities will start showing up in your experience.
  2. Get accustomed to receiving.
  3. Develop your sense of divine value.
  4. Learn that giving and receiving are equal.

How do you give to yourself?

  • Start small–give a compliment to yourself in the mirror and accept it with thanks, grace, and no excuses.
  • Think of a chore as something that you give to yourself because you are worthy.  For example, think, “I’m washing these clothes, because I am special enough to have clean and presentable clothes to wear.”
  • Make a special meal just for yourself, and enjoy it without television or other distractions.  Focus on the food and the gift you have prepared for yourself.
  • Give gifts to yourself, such as new shoes, a massage, a facial, a book, or a concert.  Include another if you like, and thank yourself profusely, honoring the gift and the receipt.

Try this for yourself, and feel free to share it with your friends too.  I am all for everyone becoming good receivers!

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We can either do this the hard way or…

The difference between something manifesting the hard way and something manifesting the easy way is the difference between desperation and relaxation.

Read that again.  I’ll wait.

I’ve figured this one out:  Even though you don’t need to worry about “the accursed hows”, if you don’t relax when you’re manifesting, those “hows” can turn out pretty rotten.

You know how all the gurus and LOA teachers, myself included, say not to worry about “how”?  Just put your order for what you want in to the Universe and leave the “how” up to it.  Right?  I even posted a channeled message about this very topic recently.  In that message, the angels/guides said to “let the Universe be your engineer, and you concentrate on being the designer.”

Which all makes perfect sense!

BUT… You know I always have a big but…!

I have noticed that, when I am desperate for something to be born or created or made manifest, I am likely to get it in a very difficult or unpleasant way.

Case in point: my move back to my hometown a couple of years ago.  I had always wanted to move home, since I moved away to Austin in 1983, but always had some really compelling reason why I had to stay in Austin.  Finally, in 2010, I was kicked out of Austin and sent packing by the Universe.  Circumstances arose that forced me to move and move pretty fast.  The move itself  was utterly horrendous, and I don’t want to dwell on those details, but suffice it to say I came pretty close to a complete break-down.  And the pain and suffering continued for months afterward.

Conclusion: I got what I wanted.  I got to move home.  But it was definitely “the hard way.”

Another example: My client was desperate to get out of her unhappy marriage. She prayed to get out of it somehow, some way, and she left the “how” up to the Universe.  Well, one day, a gay woman walked into her life and they fell madly in love.  But my client wasn’t actually gay; she was straight.  There then ensued several years, yes, years, of on-and-off with the gay woman.  They loved each other but both wanted the other to be something she just couldn’t be.  And so that relationship ended, and badly.  My client got what she wanted–out of the marriage.  But it was unquestionably “the hard way.”

What’s the message here?  When you are desperate for something to come through for you, you are likely to
a) wait a long time for it and
b) get it the hard way.

How do you get something “the easy way” instead?  You still leave the “how” up to the Universe, but you have to relax about what you want.

Desperation brings “the hard way”.

Relaxation brings “the easy way”.

More to come on this.  In the meantime, what do you think?  What has your experience been with manifesting the easy way and the hard way?  Please leave your comments below.

What your favorite color says about you – Green

This is my continuing series about the colors of energy.  The first four paragraphs explain the process, then we’ll get to this post’s color.

You may know that I work a lot around the colors of energy.  If you’ve had a reading from me, you know that I give you a “color snapshot” that tells you what color is primary in your life energy at the moment, and then I explain what that means.  Similarly, I read auras (even though I don’t call them that) and I relate what I see in colors, shapes, and location around your physical body.  This all helps me to interpret for you just what you need to know.

I understand and work with color so well that I decided to help you understand it better too.  This is why I have written this series, What Your Favorite Color Says about You.

It’s as the title says; however, I realize that some people don’t have a favorite color, and some people have more than one.  That’s okay.  Here are some ways to determine what color or colors pertain most to you and your life:

  • If you have an actual favorite color, well, there you go.
  • If you have a secondary and tertiary favorite, those will pertain to you too.
  • Look in your closet:  What color/s are most prominent in your wardrobe?
  • What color is your car?  This is applicable even if you did not choose the color of your car, maybe even more so.  I notice that people often wear the color/s that are present in their energy, and that their cars and other  belongings tend to have them too.
  • If you really, really don’t have a favorite or un-favorite or a strong opinion, you’re a rainbow!

Each color has a “light” side and a “shadow” side, or positive and negative.  (Note:  This does NOT mean good and evil!  Everything is useful and there is no devil!  But that’s another story…)  I’ll call them “bright” and “dark” because we describe colors that way.  You may consider the “dark” version of the color to be your un-favorite, but either or both may apply to you.  See how you identify with the following.

This time, our color is green.  If green is your favorite color or your un-favorite color (or otherwise present in your life; see above), here are the ideas and values you are concerned about:

Green overview:  human-level, conditional, and/or protective love; an effort to be loving; heart; money (although there will be more of this in the bonus colors at the end of the series); contrary to a common phrase, envy isn’t really green!

Bright green:  You are very loving and giving, often to a fault, and you like for others to get along with you and each other.  You forgive easily.  It’s hard for you to understand other people who fight or who hate each other just because they disagree.  (This election must be really hard on you!)  Family and close friends are very important to you and you especially enjoy family meals and get-togethers, like game night.  Personal relationships are generally at the top of your list of priorities.

Dark green:  You may feel as though you are missing something.  You often love people who hurt you, and continue loving them, even though you promise yourself you won’t get hurt in that same way again.  Each hurt creates a little green brick in your wall of protecting your heart.  Physically, you may have any chest-area ailments, either chronic or acute.  What is actually missing is a love of self.  To go back toward the bright side, work on loving yourself first and seek the Divine Love that is within you, the perfect unconditional love that is All That Is.  “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” [Leviticus 19:18, Mark 12:31, etc.]  That means you love yourself FIRST and then love your neighbor with the same high regard.


What Has Changed Since My Personal Crash

5227_LgI had a flash of self-insight the other day during a conversation with my mom.  We were talking about my upcoming move to a cheaper apartment, and she said, “You’re going to miss this place, aren’t you?”  This with regard to the apartment I’ve lived in with my younger daughter for the past two years.

I said, “Actually, I’m really looking forward to the new place.  It’s got a little more space and it’s cheaper.  It’s not as ‘fancy,’ but plenty of other things make up for it.”

Then I added, “I’m not like I used to be, all, ‘I have to have THIS house, and I have to live HERE, and my daughters HAVE to get THIS for Christmas, etc.’  I guess I’m more flexible now.”

And it was just after that that I realized how much I have actually changed since my world crashed and burned a couple of years ago.  For a long time, I only felt as though I had given up and sacrificed a great deal, and put my daughters through difficulty I didn’t want to have to share with them, and that I had lost my access to the “good life”.

Don’t get me wrong–I’ve never have been what anyone would call rich–always somewhere between “getting by” and “pretty comfortable”–and we haven’t starved since my Big Crash.  But the way that my younger daughter and I live now is very different, definitely a step down from any way we’ve lived before.  (The older one is married and living overseas with her Marine husband–another huge adjustment!)

And in telling my mom about this upcoming move and how much I am looking forward to it, I finally got it:  It’s not a matter of my being willing to accept wherever I am, but one of actually living in this place, this now, and being very happy with it.

The two and a half moves-from-hell we suffered through in 2010 don’t frighten me anymore.  Oh, sure, I don’t want to talk about it and give it any energy, but I am eager to move this time, eager for a new adventure that will, in several ways that are obvious to me, be better.  Even the move is going to be “good”, with friends pitching in, and very little expense to move, because we are moving less than a mile away!  We even have an extra day to finish up without extra rent–by magical happenstance!

I still look forward to being wealthy and successful, and I work energetically (and physically) to bring that into my NOW.  I look forward to building a nice comfy house to  call my own, and a husband to share it with, but HERE and NOW are GOOD–even when I don’t know how I am going to pay for anything.  I have learned to trust that the miracle always comes through and we do manage, by hook or by crook.

And this is one of things that have changed for me since 2010.  Now I start thinking, “What else will I change and for what reasons?”  I am eager to find out!