As I am leading this generation of spiritual guides to help humanity rise into the new divine feminine paradigm, I am also leading them to “fight” against the bloated current version of the divine masculine that has superseded even the last century’s most “toxic” expression.

While the flow toward the femme feels beautiful and glorious and smooth and lovely, the ugly needs attention too. We have to acknowledge it. Because, as every mother knows, sometimes a child needs love most when he deserves it least.

This is why I got that divine download about loving t-rump. And now I have to add the muskrat to that too. Not just “sending love and light,” but feeling love for them is our welcome duty as Mothers.

I have never incorporated politics into my work before. I prefer to leave it out, and to focus only on the “light” side of what I do, but now, its energy has grown too defiant, too belligerent, too ugly to exclude it any longer.

From now on, the Society of Mothers is not only about lifting up and supporting others as we move forward. Our primary purpose continues to be to help those who feel ready to raise their vibration, and now we add the commitment to insist that those who don’t feel ready—as evidenced by their oppositional and ugly behavior—to raise theirs too. And if they don’t, can’t, or simply won’t, they must face the consequences.

We were all children once. We know what is good and right. We believe in love. And we all need good Mothers to guide, protect, and love us.

Welcome to the Courageous Outrageous Society of Mothers.

[no progeny required]

Mission: Y’all Fight Nice             Motto: Don’t be ugly