Wow, it has been incredibly busy around my little atelier lately! You may have noticed my new website–you’re lookin’ at it!–followed very shortly by my new book site–and oh, yeah, a whole new email system, too. (Want to join the email list and get three free reports? Click here.)
You’d better believe I have been burning the midnight oil, burning the candle at both ends, and burning holes in my computer screen from staring at it so long!
I managed to take a break in the middle of this week. I became so frustrated with what I was trying to do that I gave up. That’s right–I just quit! I even said it out loud, “I QUIT!” And I didn’t know when I was coming back to it, I just knew I couldn’t keep working on it. So I enjoyed my afternoon, watched some TV with my daughter, made a nice supper, and got a good night’s sleep.
About mid-morning the next day, I got back to work and guess what… I felt better! I felt competent again, and I was able to get my stuff done, even more than I had been planning to do.
I think that “I QUIT!” was what really did the trick. Surrender can be very powerful. Next time you’re up to your hiney in alligators, try quitting for a little while. When you come back to your project, maybe the alligators will have turned into bunny rabbits!
Until next time, as usual, y’all be good! (3-22-10)