Sorry, babe, no Woo this Wednesday, July 24, as I am out of town. Oh, sure I thought I could Woo from St. Louis, but I’m going to go house-hunting instead. Not as much fun without you, but we’ll be back next week, July 31, with all the Woo News You Can Use. Mwah! kiss

Pssst! If you’re not already registered, scroll on down and get IN!


Are You into ‘Woo’ ?
Me too !

And that is why I am inviting you to
join me and some other cool Woo Women
at my all-new, no-cost weekly event:

Woo Wednesdays

Register now

And read on for all the scoop…

Q. What is Woo Wednesdays?
A. A “woo” discussion and information group
On (most*) Wednesdays, I open the doors of my Mighty MoJo community for an intimate group discussion on various woo topics, like destiny, meditation, manifestation, affirmations, journaling, healing modalities, astrology, astronomy, analogy… wait, where was I going with this? Oh, right, we’ll talk about pretty much anything but politics. This event serves as an opportunity to share the community with women entrepreneurs who are interested in the above woo stuff and to share valuable information (on a free platform**).

Q. When is Woo Wednesdays?
A. On Wednesdays at noon Central
Well, on Wednesdays, of course, at noon Central time (US)

Q. Who is Woo Wednesdays for?
A. Spirit-Centered Women Entrepreneurs
Most of the Mighty MoJo community is made up of spirit-centered women entrepreneurs, such as coaches and healers, who are interested in understanding the mysterious workings of the Universe, especially with regard to their business. 

In a hurry to register? Click here.

Q. What if I’m not a woman entrepreneur?
A. You are also welcome.
No worries, darlin’, if you are interested in the woo, you are more than welcome to join in, as well. Besides, who knows? Maybe you found this event because your future includes owning a business…! (You can find out with a Destiny Diagnostic Reading, hint, hint. Costs less than dinner for two.)

Q. What if I’m not a woman?
A. Oh, all right.

Hmm… Aw, what the heck, register and join us anyway! We’ll welcome you with open arms!

Q. Where will we meet?
A. On Zoom.
When you register, you’ll get the link and reminders and all that in your email.

Q. How do I register to attend?
A. Click —⬇️⬇️⬇️

Right here, baby, just click to scooch on down the page..

Q. What if I register but then I can’t make it?
A. No problem.

Don’t worry–none of the material we cover will be on the test, and I don’t count off for absences. But you will want to attend every Wednesday you can–you’ll be amazed by what you’ll take away from these events!

My friend is into Woo. Can she come too?
A. Absolutely!
To invite other Woo women, just share this page, and be sure that your friend puts your name in the “How did you hear about MoJo’s Woo Wednesdays?” question when she registers.

Q. What if I want to attend last-minute?
A. You still need to register.

You can register to attend any Woo Wednesday up to about 2 minutes before the start of the meeting. After that, unfortunately, you’ll be out of luck. But no worries–just register now, and then you’ll be on the guest list, so you’ll never miss a meeting!

Q. What if I don’t register?
A. You will make me cry.

Well, honey, then you will miss out on a fun hour that will inspire you to get through Hump Day and into the weekend.

Q. Are there any rules or restrictions?
A. Thanks for asking. I’m pretty easy, but in general, here you go:

  • “Be Nice or Be Gone.”
  • There may be opportunities (announced in advance) for you to promote your product or service, but dumping links in the chat is discouraged.
  • Swearing is strongly encouraged.
  • And, of course, a-holes will be shown the door and told, “Don’t let the door hit-cha where the good Lord split-cha!”

Q. What if I still haven’t registered, after reading this whole page?
A. Go do that right here, right now.

Q. What if I still have questions that you have not bothered to answer here?
A. Contact me right here.

Tap into a Wealth of Woo! Join me for the next totally fun, totally free Woo Wednesday–

* I say “most” Wednesdays, because you know, life happens and I may skip the occasional Wednesday. I’ll try to give you notice if it’s not an emergency.

** Woo Wednesdays are provided at no cost for the present, but I reserve the right to add a wee charge at some point in the future.

Housekeeping: You will be added to my mailing list. You may opt out at any time. Also, friends don’t share friends’ email addresses; yours is safe with me.