[Psst! This is a lot of words, and if you’re like me, you want to cut to the chase. So click here to do just that. But if you really want to get all the nitty-gritty, by all means, read on, dear! I didn’t write all this for my health!]
When would you like to get clarity on your next step/s?
How soon would you like to know your right-now purpose?
And what’s a good time for you to pay only $19 for all this?
How about now?
Yep, now is good! Grab a virtual seat at the
“Choose Your Destiny” Secret Podcast
The Elements of Your Destiny:
1. Your Divine Connection
2. Your Divine Value
3. Your Beginning
4. Your Dreams
5. Your Divinely-Derived Talents
6. Your Expression
7. Your Manifestation
Your Destiny has two equally-important parts:
Part 1. Choose your right-now purpose
Part 2. – Have fun of fulfilling it!
Here’s a little secret that nobody every told you:
Your Destiny is always going to involve you doing something you enjoy.
(In other words, it’s not a treacherous Cosmic Crusade or some kind of do-or-die Holy-Roman-Emperor Assignment.)
Bottom Line:
You’ll Choose Your Destiny
and find out how to have a wonderful time fulfilling it,
so you can love your life!
Here’s what you’ll get in the “Choose Your Destiny” Secret Podcast:
A new episode drops in each day for 5 days, starting Monday, Nov. 13.
Each one includes exercises and action items for you to work on on your own.
Feel free to share your homework, successes, and big “Aha!”s with me via email!
MoJo Pro-Tip: If possible, listen to each one as it drops and do the exercises for that module. But the beauty of a secret podcast is that you can listen/do your homework when you have time. There’s no final exam, but there is your desired outcome–getting down your path to your chosen destiny!
Signing up is super-easy!
Step 1. Fill in the form below.
Step 2. Check your inbox (and spam folder, if nec’) for a welcome and payment email from me.
Step 3. Click the link to make your $19 payment.
Step 4. Watch your inbox again for deets to listen the Secret Podcast starting on Monday, November 13.
Step 5. Optional: Let me know if you have questions here.
“Every talent fulfilled and used in service to others blesses both the server and the served.”
~~MoJo Medium