MoJo’s Destiny Diagnostic Call
MoJo’s Destiny Diagnostic is a 20-minute (or so) Zoom call in which you and I dig into where you are and where you want to be and the gap in between, regardless of the size of that gap.
This coaching call will inform and inspire you with info and an exercise or two to help you shift your energy out of dissatisfaction, uncertainty, and/or lack.
We’ll start the call with you and me calling in your guides, your late loved ones, and the divine energy of the universe, so that I am fully “tuned in” to their messages and guidance for you.
Like others who have partaken in a Destiny Diagnostic call, you will walk away with new, deep insights about yourself and your life. Previous “DD” recipients have gotten a helpful spiritual exercise or two, and often even a next step for them on their path.
I promise you will get something good out of it. A golden nugget of wisdom, perhaps.
Or perhaps a golden boulder.
Click here to get on my calendar for a Destiny Diagnostic call*
Housekeeping: *This call is not a psychic reading. If you would like to book a reading, click here. If you already know you want to work with me, please visit the 1:1 coaching page here. You will be added to my mailing list, from which you may opt out at any time. Also, friends don’t share friends’ email addresses; yours is safe with me.