MoJo’s Mystic Combos

Can’t decide between a Psychic Reading and a MoJo Coaching Session?

¿Porqué no los dós?
[Why not both?]

One day, a nice lady booked a MoJo Session with me, and then she asked (ever so nicely) if we could connect with one of her late loved ones during our meeting.

And I thought, “Well, heck yeah!”

I mean, I am already using my woo-bilities when I coach you, so why not add in some of the reading stuff too?

And that’s how MoJo’s Mystic Combos were born!

If you are not sure which one will be better for you, get a Combo. We’ll work on your soul’s goals and have a visit with a love one who has passed too. And we will “freestyle” the whole thing. 


Click here to book your 1-hour Mystic Combo for $299.

Woo Wednesdays!

Join me and other “woo” women for this no-cost, fun, and fascinating get-together.

It’s all about the “woo,” baby!